Mammillaria rekoi

Primary tabs

Mammillaria rekoi

Mammillaria rekoi (Britton & Rose) Vaupel, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 21: 633. 1925 sec. Hunt 20161 wfo-0001256348
  • Neomammillaria rekoi Britton & Rose, Cactaceae 4: 141–142, f. 149, 155a. 1923 syn. sec. Hunt 20161 wfo-0001257845
  • Ebnerella rekoi (Britton & Rose) Buxb. in Oesterr. Bot. Z. 98: 90. 1951 syn. sec. Kew 20192 wfo-0000659172
  • 1. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author, 2. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens
  • =Mammillaria pseudorekoi Boed., Mammillarien-Vergleichs-Schluessel: 34. 1933 syn. sec. Hunt 20163 wfo-0000369868
  • Mammillaria rekoi var. pseudorekoi (Boed.) R.T.Craig, Mammill. Handb.: 131. 1945 syn. sec. Kew 20194 wfo-0001432186
  • 3. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author, 4. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens
  • =Mammillaria rekoiana R.T.Craig, Mammill. Handb.: 128. 1945 syn. sec. TROPICOS 1988+5 wfo-0000369157
  • 5. TROPICOS 1988+: Missouri Botanical Garden –
  • =Mammillaria mitlensis Bravo in Cact. Suc. Mex. 1(5): 86–87. 1956 syn. sec. Hunt 20166 wfo-0001258260
  • 6. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author
  • =Mammillaria pullihamata Backeb., Cactaceae 6: 3898. 1962 syn. sec. TROPICOS 1988+7 wfo-0000369862
  • 7. TROPICOS 1988+: Missouri Botanical Garden –
  • =Mammillaria albrechtiana Wohlschl. in Kakteen And. Sukk. 40: 219. 1989 syn. sec. Hunt 20168 wfo-0000369647
  • 8. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author
  • =Mammillaria krasuckae Repp., Gattung Mammill. nach dem Heutigen Stand Meines Wissens: 99. 1989 syn. sec. Hunt 20169 wfo-0000369251
  • 9. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author
  • =Mammillaria pullihamata Repp., Gattung Mammill. nach dem Heutigen Stand Meines Wissens: 96. 1989 syn. sec. TROPICOS 1988+10 wfo-0000369861
  • 10. TROPICOS 1988+: Missouri Botanical Garden –
  • =Mammillaria sanjuanensis Repp., Gattung Mammill. nach dem Heutigen Stand Meines Wissens: 98. 1989 syn. sec. Hunt 201611 wfo-0000369303
  • 11. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author
