
Primary tabs


Haageocereus Backeb. in Blätt. Kakteenf. 1934(6): 1. 1934 sec. Hunt 20061 wfo-4000016630
      Type: Haageocereus pseudomelanostele (Werderm. & Backeb.) Backeb.
  • 1. Hunt, D.R. 2006: The New Cactus Lexicon. – Milborne Port: dh books
  • =Loxanthocereus Backeb. in Cactaceae (Berlin) 1937(1): 24. 1937 syn. sec. Hunt 20062 wfo-4000022330
    • Type: Loxanthocereus acanthurus (Vaupel) Backeb.
  • 2. Hunt, D.R. 2006: The New Cactus Lexicon. – Milborne Port: dh books
  • =Peruvocereus Akers in Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 19: 67. 1947 syn. sec. Hunt 20063 wfo-4000028862
    • Type: Peruvocereus salmonoideus Akers
  • 3. Hunt, D.R. 2006: The New Cactus Lexicon. – Milborne Port: dh books
  • Haageocactus Backeb. in Möller's Deutsche Gärtn.-Zeitung 46: 187. 1931, nom. inval. syn. sec. Kew 20194 wfo-4000042546
  • 4. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens
  • Floresia Krainz & F.Ritter ex Backeb., Cactaceae 2: 1269. 1959, nom. inval. syn. sec. Kew 20195 wfo-4000042606
  • 5. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens

Taxon standing

Category E. No assessment of monophyly has yet been possible, because only a few species were sampled or no phylogenetic study has been conducted so far.