
Primary tabs


Escontria Rose in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 10: 125. 1906 sec. Hernández & Gómez-Hinostrosa 20111 wfo-4000014034
      Type: Escontria chiotilla (F.A.C.Weber ex K.Schum.) Rose
  • 1. Hernández, H.M. & Gómez-Hinostrosa, C. 2011: Mapping the cacti of Mexico. – Succulent Plant Research 7: 1-128


Monotypic, endemic to southern Mexico. Sampled by Arias & al. 2005, Bárcenas & al. 2011 and Hernández-Hernández & al. 2011. The latter two studies show E. chiotilla resolved together with Stenocereus species, while Arias & al. found E. chiotilla in a polytomy with Polaskia chichipe, Myrtillocactus and Stenocereus, but not nested in any other genus. So, maintaining Escontria as a separate genus may be justified, but generic limits within that clade need further evaluation.A,B,C,D

Taxon standing

Category B. The genus is monophyletic based on phylogenetic studies that support the clade based on a sufficiently dense or even complete sampling, or support a monotypic genus as a distinct lineage, but do not provide a new taxonomic treatment at the species level. In many cases, older classical taxonomic synopses or a monographic treatment exist for these genera providing a reliable assessment of the species included.


Revised by Carlos Gómez-Hinostrosa & Héctor M. Hernández


A. Arias, S., Terrazas, T., Arreola-Nava, H. J., Vázquez-Sánchez & Cameron, K. M. 2005: Phylogenetic relationships in Peniocereus (Cactaceae) inferred from plastid DNA sequence data. – Journal of Plant Research 118(5): 317-328.
B. Bárcenas, R.T., Yesson, C. & Hawkins, J. A. 2011: Molecular systematics of the Cactaceae. – Cladistics 27: 1-20.
C. Hernández-Hernández, T., Hernández, H.M., De-Nova, J. A., Puente, R., Eguiarte, L.E. & Magallón, S. 2011: Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of growth form in Cactaceae (Caryophyllales, Eudicotyledoneae). – American Journal of Botany 98(1): 44-61.
D. Korotkova, N., Aquino, D., Arias, S., Eggli, U., Franck, A.R., Gómez-Hinostrosa, C., Guerrero, P.C., Hernández, H.M., Kohlbecker, A., Köhler, M., Luther, K., Majure, L.C., Metzing, D., Müller, A., Nyffeler, R., Sánchez, D., Schlumpberger, B.O. & Berendsohn, W. G. 2021: Cactaceae at – a dynamic online species-level taxonomic backbone for the family. – Willdenowia 51: 251-270.