
Primary tabs


Echinocereus Engelm., Mem. Tour N. Mexico: 91. 1848 sec. Sánchez & al. 20181 wfo-4000012914
      Type: Echinocereus viridiflorus Engelm.
  • 1. Sánchez, D., Arias, S., Grego-Valencia, D. & Terrazas, T. 2018: Phylogeny in Echinocereus (Cactaceae) based on combined morphological and molecular evidence: taxonomic implications. – Systematics and Biodiversity 16: 28-44.
  • =Wilcoxia Britton & Rose in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 12: 434. 1909 syn. sec. Hunt 20062 wfo-4000040711
    • Type: Wilcoxia poselgeri (Lem.) Britton & Rose
  • 2. Hunt, D.R. 2006: The New Cactus Lexicon. – Milborne Port: dh books


Phylogenetic analyses using cpDNA (Sánchez & al. 2014) showed the monophyly of Echinocereus but excluding E. pensilis J.A.Purpus. Echinocereus pensilis was segregated as the monotypic genus Morangaya G.D.Rowley as sister to Stenocereus (A.Berger) Riccob., Myrtillocactus Console, Escontria Rose, and Polaskia Backeb. The monophyly of Echinocereus has been corroborated by the analysis of morphological characters (Sánchez & al. 2015, 2018). Echinocereus is one of the most diverse lineages of the family and species delimitation is often challenging due to extreme morphological variation in some species complexes.A,B,C,D

Taxon standing

Category B. The genus is monophyletic based on phylogenetic studies that support the clade based on a sufficiently dense or even complete sampling, or support a monotypic genus as a distinct lineage, but do not provide a new taxonomic treatment at the species level. In many cases, older classical taxonomic synopses or a monographic treatment exist for these genera providing a reliable assessment of the species included.


Revised by Daniel Sánchez


A. Sánchez, D. 2021: Revision of Echinocereus – In: Korotkova N. & al., Cactaceae at – a dynamic online species-level taxonomic backbone for the family. – Willdenowia 51(2): 250-270.
B. Sánchez, D., Arias, S. & Terrazas, T. 2014: Phylogenetic relationships in Echinocereus (Cactaceae, Cactoideae). – Systematic Botany 39(4): 1183-1196
C. Sánchez, D., Arias, S., Grego-Valencia, D. & Terrazas, T. 2018: Phylogeny in Echinocereus (Cactaceae) based on combined morphological and molecular evidence: taxonomic implications. – Systematics and Biodiversity 16: 28-44.
D. Sánchez, D., Grego, D., Terrazas, T. & Arias, S. 2015: How and why does the areole meristem move in Echinocereus (Cactaceae)?. – Annals of Botany 115.