Melocactus Link & Otto, nom. cons., sec. Hunt 2006

Primary tabs

Melocactus Link & Otto, nom. cons., sec. Hunt 2006

Melocactus Link & Otto in Verh. Vereins Beförd. Gartenbaues Königl. Preuss. Staaten 3: 417. 1827, nom. cons. wfo-4000023681
      Type: Cactus melocactus L.


Monograph by Taylor (1991); floristic treatment by Taylor & Zappi (2004; Brazil); regional treatment for Cuba by Rigerszki & al. (2007).A,B,C,D

Taxon standing

Category E. No assessment of monophyly has yet been possible, because only a few species were sampled or no phylogenetic study has been conducted so far.


Revised by Carlos Gómez-Hinostrosa, Héctor M. Hernández & Lucas C. Majure


A. Majure, L.C. 2021: Revisions of Cochemiea, Consolea, Coryphantha, Cylindropuntia, Cumarinia, Grusonia, Kroenleinia, Leptocereus, Melocactus, Micropuntia, Opuntia. – In: Korotkova N. & al., Cactaceae at – a dynamic online species-level taxonomic backbone for the family. – Willdenowia 51: 251-270.
B. Rigerszki, Z., Delanoy, G., Ujréti, E. & Vilardebo, A. 2007: Melocacti of Cuba. – Cactus & Co.
C. Taylor, N. P. & Zappi, D. 2004: Cacti of Eastern Brazil. – London: Kew Publishing
D. Taylor, N. P. 1991: The genus Melocactus (Cactaceae) in Central and South America. – Bradleya 9: 1-80