
Primary tabs


Kewaceae Christenh. in Phytotaxa 181(4): 240. 2014 sec. Christenhusz & al. 20141 wfo-7000000662
    • 1. Christenhusz, M. J. M., Brockington, S. F., Christin, P.-A. & Sage, R. F. 2014: On the disintegration of Molluginaceae: a new genus and family (Kewa, Kewaceae) segregated from Hypertelis, and placement of Macarthuria in Macarthuriaceae. – Phytotaxa 181(4): 238–242.


    Monogeneric family segregated from Molluginaceae (Christenhusz & al. 2014) based on results from Christin & al. (2011).A,B,C


    A. Christenhusz, M. J. M., Brockington, S. F., Christin, P.-A. & Sage, R. F. 2014: On the disintegration of Molluginaceae: a new genus and family (Kewa, Kewaceae) segregated from Hypertelis, and placement of Macarthuria in Macarthuriaceae. – Phytotaxa 181(4): 238–242.
    B. Christin, P.-A., Sage, T. L., Edwards, E. J., Ogburn, R. M., Khoshravesh, R. & Sage, R. F. 2011: Complex evolutionary transitions and the significance of C3–C4 intermediate forms of photosynthesis in Molluginaceae. – Evolution 65: 643 – 660.
    C. Hernández-Ledesma, P., Berendsohn, W. G., Borsch, T., von Mering, S., Akhani, H., Arias, S., Castañeda-Noa, I., Eggli, U., Eriksson, R., Flores-Olvera, H., Fuentes-Bazán, S., Kadereit, G., Klak, C., Korotkova, N., Nyffeler, R., Ocampo, G. & Ochoterena, H. 2015: A taxonomic backbone for the global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales. – Willdenowia 45(3): 281-383.