Rhipsalis baccifera subsp. horrida

Primary tabs

Rhipsalis baccifera subsp. horrida

Rhipsalis baccifera subsp. horrida (Baker) Barthlott in Bradleya 5: 100. 1987 sec. Korotkova & al. 20111 wfo-0001433970
  • Rhipsalis horrida Baker in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 21: 347. 1884 syn. sec. Barthlott 19872 wfo-0001287015
  • Hariota horrida Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 263. 1891 syn. sec. Barthlott & Taylor 19953 wfo-0000715704
    • Lectotype (designated by Barthlott & Taylor 1995: 644): Central Madagascar, 1882, Baron 2750 (K000102390)
  • =Rhipsalis pilosa F.A.C.Weber ex K.Schum., Fl. Bras. 4(2): 300. 1890 syn. sec. Barthlott & Taylor 19955 wfo-0001287016
  • =Rhipsalis madagascariensis F.A.C.Weber in Rev. Hort. (Paris) 64: 424. 1892 syn. sec. Barthlott & Taylor 19956 wfo-0001287198
  • =Rhipsalis suareziana F.A.C.Weber in Rev. Hort. (Paris) 64: 425. 1892 syn. sec. Barthlott & Taylor 19957 wfo-0001287200
  • =Rhipsalis coralloides Rauh in Backeberg, Cactaceae 6: 3634. 1962 syn. sec. Barthlott & Taylor 19958 wfo-0001287203
  • =Rhipsalis saxicola Rauh, Graf, Exotica: 580. 1963 syn. sec. Barthlott & Taylor 19959 wfo-0001287202

Distribution (General)


Chromosome Numbers

2n = 44, 88A


Epilithic and epiphytic, to 1500 m altitude.A

Descriptions (aggregated)

Old stem segment duration: deciduous [1]; stem shape: terete [1] entire plant habitat: terrestrial [1], epiphytic [1]; entire plant orientation: pendent [1], erect [1]; entire plant branching: mesotonic [1], acrotonic [1] flower quantity per areol contemporaneously: 1 [1]; flower coloration: whitish [1], white [1]; flower architecture: actinomorphic [1]; flower position: subapical [1], lateral [1]; flower size qualitativ: minute [1] areole prominence: superficial [1] fruit coloration: white [1]; fruit shape: subglobose [1] bud orientation: perpendicular [1]
A single or the first number in square brackets denotes sample size


A. Barthlott, W. & Taylor, N. P. 1995: Notes towards a monograph of Rhipsalideae (Cactaceae). – Bradleya 13: 43-79. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n13.1995.a7