Cylindropuntia fulgida

Primary tabs

Cylindropuntia fulgida

Cylindropuntia fulgida (Engelm.) F.M.Knuth, Kaktus-ABC: 126. 1936 ["1935"] sec. Hernández & al. 20141 wfo-0000632374
  • Opuntia fulgida Engelm. in Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 3: 306-307. 1856 syn. sec. Hernández & al. 20141 wfo-0000385740
  • Grusonia fulgida (Engelm.) G.D.Rowley in Tephrocactus Study Group 12(3): 44. 2006 syn. sec. Kew 20192 wfo-0000509390
  • Cylindropuntia fulgida var. fulgida syn. sec. ??? wfo-0001262047
  • 1. Hernández, H.M., Gómez-Hinostrosa, C., Bárcenas, R.T., Puente, R. & Reyes-Agüero, J.A. 2014: A checklist of the subfamily Opuntioideae (Cactaceae) from North and Central America. – Succulent Plant Research 8: 185-200, 2. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens
  • =Opuntia mamillata A.Schott ex Engelm. in Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 3: 308. 1856 syn. sec. Guzmán Cruz & al. 20033 wfo-0001287378
  • Opuntia mammillata Engelm., Syn. Cact. U.S.: 52. 1856 syn. sec. Kew 20194 wfo-0001433253
  • Opuntia fulgida var. mamillata (A.Schott ex Engelm.) J.M.Coult. in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 3(7): 449. 1896 syn. sec. Guzmán Cruz & al. 20033 wfo-0001286997
  • Cylindropuntia fulgida var. mamillata (A.Schott ex Engelm.) Backeb., Cactaceae 1: 204. 1958 syn. sec. Guzmán Cruz & al. 20033 wfo-0001430554
  • Cylindropuntia fulgida f. mamillata (A.Schott ex Engelm.) Guiggi & Verloove in Bradleya 35: 60. 2017 syn. sec. Kew 20194 wfo-0001430553
  • 3. Guzmán Cruz, L. U., Arias, S. & Dávila, P. 2003: Catálogo de Cactáceas Mexicanas. – Mexico, D. F.: Universidad National Autónoma de México & CONABIO., 4. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens
  • =Opuntia fulgens Engelm., Bot. California 1: 250. 1876 syn. sec. Kew 20195 wfo-0000385741
  • 5. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens
  • =Cylindropuntia fulgida f. cristata P.V.Heath in Calyx 4: 124. 1994 syn. sec. Kew 20196 wfo-0000632375
  • 6. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens
  • =Cylindropuntia fulgida f. monstruosa P.V.Heath in Calyx 4: 142. 1994 syn. sec. WFO 20197 wfo-0000632376
  • 7. WFO 2019
