Soehrensia formosa subsp. rosarioana

Primary tabs

Soehrensia formosa subsp. rosarioana

Soehrensia formosa subsp. rosarioana (Rausch) Schlumpb. in Willdenowia 51: 265. 2021 sec. Schlumpberger 20211 wfo-0001434689
  • Lobivia rosarioana Rausch in Kakteen And. Sukk. 30: 284. 1979 syn. sec. Schlumpberger 20211 wfo-0001260656
  • Lobivia formosa var. rosarioana (Rausch) Rausch, Lobivia 85: 48. 1987 ["1985"] syn. sec. Schlumpberger 20211 wfo-0001260657
  • Echinopsis formosa subsp. rosarioana (Rausch) M.Lowry in Cactaceae Syst. Init. 14: 13. 2002 syn. sec. Schlumpberger 20211 wfo-0001430804
    • Argentina, prov. La Rioja, Famatina, alt. 3000 m, W. Rausch 129 (ZSS)
  • 1. Schlumpberger, B. 2021: Revisions of Acanthocalycium, Echinopsis, Leucostele, Lobivia, Setiechinopsis, Soehrensia, Reicheocactus, Trichocereus. – In: Korotkova N. & al., Cactaceae at – a dynamic online species-level taxonomic backbone for the family. – Willdenowia 51: 251-270. 10.3372/wi.51.51208
  • =Soehrensia uebelmanniana Lembcke & Backeb. in Backeberg, Cactaceae 3: 1925. 1959 syn. sec. ??? wfo-0001287297
  • Trichocereus uebelmannianus (Lembcke & Backeb.) F.Ritter, Kakteen Südamerika 3: 116. 1980 syn. sec. TROPICOS 1988+2 wfo-0001288656
  • Lobivia formosa var. uebelmanniana (Lembcke & Backeb.) Rausch, Lobivia 85: 48. 1987 ["1985"] syn. sec. ??? wfo-0001260659
  • Echinopsis uebelmanniana (Lembcke & Backeb.) A.E.Hoffm., Cact. Fl. Silvestre Chile: 92. 1989 syn. sec. Hunt 20163 wfo-0000662397
  • 2. TROPICOS 1988+: Missouri Botanical Garden –, 3. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author
