Opuntia fortanelli

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Opuntia fortanelli

Opuntia fortanelli Reyes-Agüero, Orta & Heindorf in Haseltonia 31: 28. 2024 sec. Reyes-Agüero & al. 20241 wfo-1000065853
      Holotype: Mexico, San Luis Potosí, mun. of Ciudad Valles, Sierra del Abra Tanchipa Biosphere, Reserve, ejido Laguna del Mante, alt. 310 m, 28 Feb 2021, J.A. Reyes-Agüero 2231 & C. Orta-Salazar (SLPM; isotypes: CHAP, ENCB, MEXU, QMEX)
  • 1. Reyes-Agüero, J.A., Orta-Salazar, C., Heindorf, C. & González, E. 2024: Opuntia fortanelli (Cactaceae), a new species from the Huastec region of San Luis Potosí, México. – Haseltonia 33: 26-33. 10.2985/026.031.0104
