Opuntia taylorii

Primary tabs

Opuntia taylorii

Opuntia taylorii Britton & Rose in Smithsonian Misc. Collect. 50: 520. 1908 sec. Piñeyro & al. 20231 wfo-0000386035
  • Opuntia repens subsp. taylorii (Britton & Rose) Guiggi in Phytotaxa 573(2): 222. 2022 syn. sec. ??? wfo-1200024970
  • 1. Piñeyro, Y.E., Cinea, W. & Majure, L.C. 2023: Towards a treatment for the cactus family (Cactaceae) on Hispaniola: Generic key, species checklist, nomenclature assessments and distribution notes. – Haseltonia 30(1): 67-95. https://doi.org/10.2985/026.030.0108
  • =Opuntia hattoniana Britton & Rose, Rep. Prickly Pear Comm.: 97. 1914 syn. sec. Piñeyro & al. 20232 wfo-0000385867
  • 2. Piñeyro, Y.E., Cinea, W. & Majure, L.C. 2023: Towards a treatment for the cactus family (Cactaceae) on Hispaniola: Generic key, species checklist, nomenclature assessments and distribution notes. – Haseltonia 30(1): 67-95. https://doi.org/10.2985/026.030.0108

Distribution (Area)

Dominican Republic nativeA Haiti nativeA


A. Piñeyro, Y.E., Cinea, W. & Majure, L.C. 2023: Towards a treatment for the cactus family (Cactaceae) on Hispaniola: Generic key, species checklist, nomenclature assessments and distribution notes. – Haseltonia 30(1): 67-95. https://doi.org/10.2985/026.030.0108