Copiapoa fiedleriana

Primary tabs

Copiapoa fiedleriana

Copiapoa fiedleriana (K.Schum.) Backeb., Kaktus-ABC: 280. 1936 ["1935"] sec. Larridon & al. 20151 wfo-0000619732
  • Echinocactus fiedlerianus K.Schum., Gesamtbeschr. Kakt., Nachtr. 1: 121. 1903 syn. sec. Hunt 20162 wfo-0000660410
  • Copiapoa pepiniana var. fiedleriana (K.Schum.) Backeb., Cactaceae 3: 1919. 1959 syn. sec. Kew 20193 wfo-0000619789
  • Copiapoa coquimbana var. fiedleriana (K.Schum.) A.E.Hoffm., Cact. Fl. Silvestre Chile: 108. 1989 syn. sec. ??? wfo-0000619704
    • Neotype (designated by Hunt & Taylor 2002: 134): Chile, Huasco Bajo, Dec 1983, Ferryman RMF 183 (K)
  • 1. Larridon, I., Walter, H.E., Guerrero, P.C., Duarte, M., Cisternas, M.A., Hernández, C.P., Bauters, K., Asselman, P., Goetghebeur, P. & Samain, M.-S. 2015: An integrative approach to understanding the evolution and diversity of Copiapoa (Cactaceae), a threatened endemic Chilean genus from the Atacama Desert. – American Journal of Botany 102(9): 1506-1520.., 2. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author, 3. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, 4. Hunt, D.R. & Taylor, N. P. 2002: Notulae Systematicae Lexicon Cactacearum Spectantes I. – Cactaceae Systematics Initiatives 13: 10-17
  • =Copiapoa echinata F.Ritter in Cactus (Paris) 63: 133. 1959 syn. sec. Hunt 20165 wfo-0000619723
  • Copiapoa megarhiza var. echinata (F.Ritter) A.E.Hoffm., Cact. Fl. Silvestre Chile: 126. 1989 syn. sec. Hunt 20165 wfo-0000619773
  • Copiapoa megarhiza subsp. echinata (F.Ritter) Doweld in Sukkulenty 4(1-2): 55. 2002 ["2001"] syn. sec. Hunt 20165 wfo-0000619774
  • Copiapoa megarhiza subsp. echinata (F.Ritter) G.J.Charles in Cactaceae Syst. Init. 21: 11. 2006 syn. sec. Hunt 20165 wfo-0000506880
    • Type: Chile, Atacama, Carrizal-Bajo, Chili septentrional, parmi les rochers de la côte, 1956, F. Ritter 506 ()
  • 5. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author
  • =Copiapoa totoralensis F.Ritter in Cactus (Paris) 66: 23. 1960 syn. sec. Hunt 20166 wfo-0000619813
  • 6. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author
  • =Copiapoa echinata f. pulla F.Ritter, Kakteen Südamerika 3: 1081. 1980 syn. sec. Korotkova 20217 wfo-0000619725
  • 7. Korotkova, N. 2021: Revisions of Deamia, Disocactus, Epiphyllum, Hatiora, Kimnachia, Lepismium, Leuenbergeria, Lymanbensonia, Pereskia, Pfeiffera, Pseudorhipsalis, Rhipsalidopsis, Rhipsalis, Schlumbergera, Selenicereus, Strophocactus, Weberocereus, and various other names. In: Korotkova N. & al., Cactaceae at – a dynamic online species-level taxonomic backbone for the family. – Willdenowia 51: 250-270.
  • =Copiapoa echinata var. pulla F.Ritter, Kakteen Südamerika 3: 1081. 1980 syn. sec. IPNI 2000+: 6 sept 20208 wfo-0000619724
  • 8. IPNI 2000+: International Plant Names Index. – The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Harvard University Herbaria & Libraries and Australian National Botanic Gardens –
  • 9. WFO 2019
  • 10. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author

Distribution (Area)

Chile nativeA


A. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author