Nepenthes epiphytica

Nepenthes epiphytica


Nepenthes epiphytica A.S.Rob., Nerz & Wistuba in McPherson, New Nepenthes 1: 36 (-51; figs. 25-36). 2011 [The epithet was chosen because all known specimens of this taxon have been observed growing exclusively as epiphytes on trees, an ecological characteristic that is relatively unusual within the genus.B]. sec. Robinson & al. 2011 wfo-0001302544
      Type: Indonesia (Indonesia, Borneo, East Kalimantan, Berau Regency, Mount Nyapa (formaerly Njapa), along the Kelai River, 1000 m altitude, 25. 10. 1963, Kostermans 21495 (holotype, L) & Kostermans 21495 Sheets I & II (isotypes; K) designated by Robinson & al. 20111)
  • 1. Robinson, A.S., Nerz, J. & Wistuba, A. 2011: Nepenthes epiphytica, a new pitcher plant from East Kalimantan, pp. 36-51. – In: McPherson, S. R., New Nepenthes 1. – Poole: Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole


Epiphytic climbing, scrambling or pendant branched shrub, to 2 m tall. Stems terete to slightly trigonous, to 5 mm in diameter, internodes 0.5 – 1.5 cm long in rosettes, 2-5 cm long in climbing stems, often with a waxy bloom. Stems range from green to reddish purple in colour.
Leaves coriaceous, with a slightly scabrous texture, lamina lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, rosette leaves to 15 cm long and 5 cm wide, leaves of climbing stem to 10 cm and 4 cm wide, apex acute to slightly acuminate at the very tip, base strongly petiolate, attenuate, semi-amplexicaul, clasping the stem by ½-⅔ its circumference, occasionally decurrent down internode for 2-4 mm; longitudinal veins conspicuous, generally 2 on each side of midrib in outer ⅓ of lamina, pennate veins numerous, almost indiscernible, perpendicular to midrib; tendrils to 3.5 mm in diameter, to 10 cm long in lower pitchers, occasionally coiling, to 15 cm in upper pitchers, usually coiling.
Lower pitchers narrowly cylindric, narrowly ventricose in the lower half, dilating slightly towards the mouth, up to 20 cm tall and 3 cm wide excluding lid, originating from tendril at front, side or rear of pitcher; inner surface glandular in the lower half, ventral exterior surface with wings normally reduced to ridges from tendril to mouth, small fringe elements being always present below the peristome; mouth strongly oblique, ovate, slightly concave in profile, rising at the rear to form a short column, triangular in cross-section; peristome cylindric, slightly flattened, narrow, up to 6 mm wide towards sides and lid, outer margins occasionally sinuate. Lid narrowly ovate to 3.5 cm long by 2.5 cm wide, no terminal appendages, but a slightly thickened ridge towards base with deep, ovate glands and smaller, shallower, round glands scattered across remainder of the lower surface; spur simple, 4-8 mm long. Pitcher exterior usually yellow, olive or suffuses purplish-red, with sparse, red to black blotches towards mouth; pitcher interior creamy in colour, with liberal red speckling in the upper half; lid as per pitcher exterior; peristome generally red to dark purple.
Upper pitchers narrowly infundibular in the lower half, broadly infundibular above, up to 15 cm tall and 10 cm wide excluding lid, originating from tendril at rear of pitcher; inner surface entirely glandular, exterior surface with wings reduced to fine ridges or entirely absent; mouth horizontal, rising abruptly at the rear to form short neck; peristome cylindric to flattened, up to 5 mm wide at front, up to 10 mm wide at sides and up to 7 mm wide at neck, striate with ribs up to 0.4 mm high, terminating on inner margin in fine teeth up to 0.2 mm long, but up to 0.5 mm long on neck. Lid broadly subulate, to 4 cm long by 1.5 cm wide, usually held at 30-40° above horizontal. Pitcher exterior yellowish green to yellow, occasionally with sparse, red flecks towards peristome; pitcher interior similar, but with greater degree of flecking; lid and peristome generally as per pitcher exterior, but often suffused red, with distinct striping of the peristome.
Inflorescence a racemose panicle. Male inflorescence unknown. Female inflorescence up to 30 cm long, with a peduncle 8- 15 cm long and a rachis 12-18 cm long. Flowers borne on predominantly 2-flowered partial peduncles, lacking bracts, with ca. 70-90 flowers per scape. Tepals narrowly elliptic, 3-4 mm long by 1.5-2 mm wide.
Indumentum of golden to dark brown hairs 0.1-0.2 mm long is present on the stem, the adaxial surface of the leaves, the abaxial surface of the midrib, on the tendrils and pitchers. It is shorter on the leaves, giving them a rough texture, and is more obvious on lower pitchers than upper pitchers. Hairs are more dense on juvenile foliage, the spur, and on the stem and partial peduncles of inflorescences, normally being rusty brown on the latter organs.A

Distribution (General)

Indonesia, East Kalimantan, Berau Regency, Mount NyapaA


Obligate epiphyte; in open forest on limestone substrate.A


A. Robinson, A.S., Nerz, J. & Wistuba, A. 2011: Nepenthes epiphytica, a new pitcher plant from East Kalimantan, pp. 36-51. – In: McPherson, S. R., New Nepenthes 1. – Poole: Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole


CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
Citation: Indonesia

Specimen summary: Indonesia, Borneo, East Kalimantan, Berau Regency, Mount Nyapa (formaerly Njapa), along the Kelai River, 1000 m altitude, 25. 10. 1963, Kostermans 21495 (holotype, L) & Kostermans 21495 Sheets I & II (isotypes; K)
Type for: Nepenthes epiphytica A.S.Rob., Nerz & Wistuba