Nepenthes ×amesiana

Nepenthes ×amesiana

Placement status: name or taxon excluded (unspecific)


Nepenthes ×amesiana H.J.Veitch ex Anon. in Gard. Chron. ser. 3, 14: 756. 1893, nom. nud. sec. IPNI 1999+ wfo-0000382373


    "Messrs. Jas. Veitch and Sons, Chelsea, staged a number of Nepenthes with good pitchers. N. Amesiana from N. Rafflesiana x N. Hookeriana, was awarded a First-class Certificate; the pitcher is green and marked prettilv with red."A

    Hybrid parent formula

    "N. Rafflesiana x N. Hookeriana"A


    A. Anonymous 1893: – Gard. Chron. ser. 3, 14