Nepenthes rowanae

Nepenthes rowanae


Nepenthes rowanae F.M.Bailey in Qld. Agric. J. 1(3): 231, t. s.n. 1897 [Named in honour of [Mariam] Ellis Rowan (1848-1922), an outstanding botanical illustrator of Australasian plants.B]. sec. Clarke & Kruger 2005 wfo-0000381466
      Type: Australia, Queensland, Somerset, Jardine s.n. (BRI accession no. AQ#278790)


Subscandent shrub. Stems initially erect, then scrambling, occasionally to a height of 2m, ≤ 4m long, ≤ 12mm in diameter, internodes ≤ 3cm, cylindrical. Leaves coriaceous, petiolate; blade lanceolate, ≤ 40cm long, ≤ 10cm wide, gradually contracted towards the petiole, very gradually tapering at the apex, apex rounded and slightly peltate. Midrib arced throughout in a crescent-like manner from the base to the apex of the blade. Petiole ≤ 10cm long, attachment to the stem simple, clasping the stem for half of its circumference, the margins decurrent along the stem for 1/2-2/3 of the internode. Tendrils straight, ≤ 60cm long. Longitudinal veins 5-6 on each side of the midrib, pennate veins distinct, running almost straight to the margin from the midrib. Leaf blade has 3-4 longitudinal furrows running throughout its length. Lower pitchers arising abruptly from the end of the tendril, base very broad (to flat in some specimens), pitcher cup broadly ovoid, ≤ 20cm high, ≤ 15cm wide, with a distinct hip in the upper half of the pitcher (often in the upper 1/4). Pitcher contracted from the hip to the peristome, mouth horizontal, rising steeply at the rear, neck absent. Inner surface of pitcher glandular beneath the hip, glands ovate and recessed, 0.01mm wide, ≤ 3600 glands/cm2. Two wings, often bearing multi-cellular fringe elements over part of their length, extend from just beneath the peristome towards the base of the pitcher. In many mature plants, the wings only extend half-way down the pitcher and rather than possessing fringe elements throughout, they are flattened and expanded, being T-shaped in cross section. Multi- cellular fringe elements, when present, ≤ 5mm long. Peristome ovate in cross-section, except at the rear of the pitcher, where it becomes flattened and expanded, ≤ 20mm wide, the opposite ends often overlapping beneath the lid. Ribs distinct and raised, ≤ 0.5mm apart, ≤ 1mm high. Teeth distinct but short, ≤ 1mm long in most parts, ≤ 3mm long near the apex. Ribs at the front of the pitcher, between the wings, often distinct and raised, ≤ 2mm apart, ≤ 3mm high. Lid ovate, strongly cordate at the base, often indented at the apex, ≤ 8cm long, ≤ 7cm wide, often with two barely- distinguishable keels. Lower surface densely covered with nectar glands, circular to oval in shape, slightly raised.
Glands towards the margins circular, c.0.2mm wide, those near the centre ovate, 0.5 x 0.25mm. Spur simple, usually bent, ≤ 6mm long. Upper pitchers infrequently produced, similar in shape and structure to the lower ones, but more infundibular towards the base, with the hip located immediately below the peristome, wings reduced to ribs and the lid more ovate, ≤ 15cm high, ≤ 8cm wide. Inflorescence a cylindrical raceme, peduncle ≤ 20cm long, rachis ≤ 40cm, angular to cylindrical ≤ 8mm wide. The rachis is occasionally subtended by a filiform bract, ≤ 15mm long. Pedicels ≤ 15mm long, lacking bracteoles. Sepals elliptical, ≤ 7mm long. Female inflorescences generally shorter than the males. Fruits ≤ 25mm long, seeds filiform, usually about 15mm long. Indumentum thin and dense on all young parts of the plant except the upper surfaces of the leaf blades, the hairs being long, mostly simple and white in colour. Most hairs are caducous, but a dense covering is retained on the outer surface of the pitcher rim, just beneath the peristome, and on the pedicels. Pitchers generally deep red throughout, but occasionally forms with green pitchers have been observed in the field.A


According to the IUCN guidelines (Anon. 1994), a category of Low Risk--Conservation Dependent is proposed.A

Distribution (General)

Australia, Queensland, Cape York Peninsula, SomersetA


Open, wet areas among banksias, pandans and sedges, growing in peat and/or sandy substrates, 0-10m a.s.l.A


A. Clarke, C. M. & Kruger, R. 2005: Nepenthes rowanae (Nepenthaceae), a remarkable species from Cape York, Australia. – Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 34(2): 36-41


CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
Jardine s.n.BRI
Citation: Australia, Queensland, Somerset, Jardine s.n. (BRI AQ#278790)

Specimen summary: BRI AQ#278790
Type for: Nepenthes rowanae F.M.Bailey