Nepenthes gantungensis

Nepenthes gantungensis


Nepenthes gantungensis S.McPherson, Cervancia, Chi.C.Lee, Jaunzems, Mey & A.S.Rob. in McPherson, Carniv. Pl. Hab. 2: 1286 (-1295; figs. 750-758). 2010 [The specific epithet was chosen to denote that this remarcable species is endemic to Mount Gantung.B]. sec. McPherson 2010 wfo-0000746844
      Holotype (designated by McPherson & al. 20101): Philippines (Philippines, Palawan Island, Municipality of Brooke's Point, summit of Mount Gantung, 1754 m, January 25, 2010. S. McPherson SRM 4 Palawan State University Herbarium (PCC), Puerto Princesa, Philippines.)
  • 1. McPherson, S. R., Cervancia, J., Lee, C.C., Jaunzems, M., Mey, F. S. & Robinson, A.S. 2010: Nepenthes gantungensis (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant species from Mount Gantung, Palawan, Philippines, pp. 1286-1295. – In: McPherson, S. R., Carnivorous plants and their habitats 2. – Poole: Redfern Natural History Productions


Terrestrial upright to scrambling and climbing unbranched shrub, to 4 m tall.
Stem: Cylindrical, 2.5-3.5 in diameter, internodes 2-20 cm long, compact in scrambling plants and elongated in climbing stems.
Leaves: Coriaceous, petiolate or sub-petiolate, lamina narrowly oblong, 20-40 cm long and 6-12 cm wide, apex acute or rounded, base shortly attenuate or obtuse, clasping the stem by two to three thirds of its circumference. Tendril to 40 cm long, coiling in upper pitchers.
Lower Pitchers: To 20 cm tall and 7 cm wide, wholly ovate or urceolate. Wings up to 12 mm wide, with narrow filaments to 10 mm long. Pitcher opening oblique, oval or circular, up to 6 cm wide, elevated towards the lid, elongated into a neck. Peristome cylindrical, occasionally slightly flattened, to 2 cm wide, ribs up to 2 mm high, spaced up to 2 mm apart, forming elongated teeth on the inner margin of the peristome up to 4 mm long. Inner surface entirely glandular. Peristome expanding below the lid and up to 3 cm wide. Lid elliptic, up to 6 cm long and 4.5 cm wide. No appendage or keel. Spur substantial, up to 9 mm long and 2 mm wide at base.
Upper Pitchers: Wholly infundibular or infundibular in the lower two thirds and cylindrical above, up to 25 cm tall, 7 cm wide, typically smaller. Wings absent, all other parts identical to the lower pitchers.
Inflorescence: A panicle. Male inflorescence to 60 cm long, 1 cm wide at base, rachis to 30 cm long. Female inflorescence to 50 cm long, 1 cm wide at base. Female inflorescence bears up to 150 flowers, densely arranged, rachis comprising the distal quarter of the scape. In both sexes, the inflorescence may consist entirely of 1-flowered pedicels, occasionally 2-flowered pedicels or a mix of both. Fruit up to 8 mm long, seeds filiform, c. 7 mm long, pale brown. Nepenthes gantungensis may flower both as a compact rosette plant bearing only lower pitchers, or as a climbing vine.
Indumentum: Present on underside of tendrils, consisting of simple, densely arranged, caducous reddish-copper hairs to 3 mm long. Hairs up to 2 mm in length scattered over young pitchers, and on the margins of the lamina. Hairs turning silver as they age.
Colour: All parts of the lamina and petiole may be pure green in shade, or reddish purple in direct sunlight. The lower and upper pitchers are mainly green or yellowish, except for the peristome, which is red, purple or brownish in the lower traps, or orangey red in the uppers. The interior of both pitcher types may be mottled with red or purple blotches, and the lid may be yellowish orange or flushed red. No plants were found to bear entirely red lower pitchers.A


Assessed aas CR (critically endangered) according to the World Conservation Union Red List Criteria B2a (IUCN 2001).A

Distribution (General)

Philippines, Palawan, Brooks's Point, Mount Gantung A


Nepenthes gantungensis grows mainly in low growing upper montane scrub above 1650 m on the summit and summit ridge. Etiolated climbing plants also grow in shrubby montane forest above 1600 m. When growing in shade, plants form a climbing stem to canopy level. Specimens growing on the exposed summit and summit ridge form stunted and compact growths, but flower profusely. They most vigorous populations grow in sheltered scrub, amongst boulders just below the summit.A


A. McPherson, S. R., Cervancia, J., Lee, C.C., Jaunzems, M., Mey, F. S. & Robinson, A.S. 2010: Nepenthes gantungensis (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant species from Mount Gantung, Palawan, Philippines, pp. 1286-1295. – In: McPherson, S. R., Carnivorous plants and their habitats 2. – Poole: Redfern Natural History Productions


CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
Citation: Philippines

Specimen summary: Philippines, Palawan Island, Municipality of Brooke's Point, summit of Mount Gantung, 1754 m, January 25, 2010. S. McPherson SRM 4 Palawan State University Herbarium (PCC), Puerto Princesa, Philippines.
Holotype of Nepenthes gantungensis S.McPherson, Cervancia, Chi.C.Lee, Jaunzems, Mey & A.S.Rob.