Nepenthes tayninhensis

Nepenthes tayninhensis


Nepenthes tayninhensis M.Catal. & Kruetr. in AIPC Mag. 46: 22, fig. 2017 sec. Catalano 2017 wfo-0001302695
      Holotype: Luu et al. 578 (VNM), Lo Go-Xa Mat National Park, Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam, 2011.


Terrestrial climber, stem terete, leaves linear to narrowly lanceolate, with apex acute, acuminate or subobtuse. Lower pitchers ovate, subglobose or ellipsoid, upper pitchers obovate or infundibulate. Inflorescence a raceme, solitary flowers borne on pedicels, tepals elliptic. Indumentum of fine hairs covering the whole plant.A


N. tayninhensis is closely related to N. smilesii and N. thorelii. It differs from N. smilesii for having leaves with apex acute, acuminate or subobtuse (vs always acute), squat lower pitchers (vs elongate), and always obovate or infundibulate upper pitchers (vs tubulose or obovate). It differs from N. thorelii for having leaves with apex acute, acuminate or subobtuse (vs always acute), always obovate or infundibulate upper pitchers (vs tubulose or obovate), and an indumentum of fine hairs covering the whole plant (vs hair only present on pitchers, tendrils, inflorescence and occasionally along abaxial surface of leaf midrib).A

Distribution (General)

Southern Vietnam, Tay Ninh Province.A


In sandy soil, on open savannahs and grasslands, at sea level.A


A. Catalano, M. 2017: Una nuova specie di Nepenthes dal Vietnam. – AIPC Magazine 46: 17-23


CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
Luu et al. 578 (VNM), Lo Go-Xa Mat National Park, Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam, 2011.
Citation: Luu et al. 578 (VNM), Lo Go-Xa Mat National Park, Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam, 2011.