Nepenthes undulatifolia

Nepenthes undulatifolia


Nepenthes undulatifolia Nerz, Wistuba, U.Zimm., Chi.C.Lee, Pirade & Pitopang in McPherson, New Nepenthes 1: 493 (492-505; figs. 428-444). 2011 [The species epithet refers to the undulating shape of the lamina, a distinctive characteristic of this species.C]. sec. Nerz & al. 2011 wfo-0001302646
      Type: South East Sulawesi, 08 April 2009, APP-1 (holotype, CEB) designated by Nerz & al. 20111
  • 1. Nerz, J., Wistuba, A., Zimmermann, U., Lee, C.C., Pirade Paserang, A. & Pitopang, R. 2011: Nepenthes undulatifolia, a new pitcher plant from South East Sulawesi, pp. 492-505. – In: McPherson, S. R., New Nepenthes 1. – Poole: Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole


Terrestrial or epiphytic climber to ca. 3 m tall. Stems of the short shoots cylindrical, to 8 mm in diameter, internodes 0.8-1.4 cm long, axillary buds inconspicuous. Climbing stems obtusely trigonous and twisted, to 6 mm in diameter, internodes 5.8-10.3 cm long, axillary buds spike-like, ca. 2 mm long. The stems are yellowish green to purple.
Leaves of the short shoots sessile, oblong to spathulate, 12.2-15.3cm long, 4.5-5.3 cm wide, lamina undulating with minutely wavy margins, base cordate and clasping the stem for more than ¾ its circumference, longitudinal nerves 2-3, arising from reticulate; apex rounded and peltate, with tendril originating 0.5-2.6 cm from the apex of the lamina, straight, 24.5-31.0 cm long. The upper surface of lamina is dark green, the lower surface is a lighter shade of yellowish green. The midrib is light yellowish green.
Leaves of the climbing stems as those of the short shoots but lanceolate, 11.4-12.7 cm long, 4-5 cm wide; tendril originating 0.9.-1.4 cm from the apex of the lamina, ca. 17-20 cm long, coiled once or twice in the middle. The colouration of the leaves of the climbing stems is identical to that of the leaves of short shoots.
Lower pitchers urceolate to slightly ovate, 5.3-9.5 cm tall and 3.8-5.7 cm wide, with two fringed wings extending from half to the full length of the pitcher, to 5 mm wide, fringed elements to 13mm long,; mouth orbiculate, inclined at ca. 30 degrees to the horizontal; peristome sub-cylindrical, to 2 cm wide, ribs 1.5-2 mm apart, the interior margin terminating in teeth 1-2 mm long; lid orbiculate to slightly ovate with a cordate base, 5.2-5.7 cm long, 4.6-5.5 cm wide, lower surface lacking appendages and evenly covered with small nectar glands; spur consisting of a simple, central appendage 1-2 mm long, with multiple occasionally branching appendages to either side at the base of the lid to 13 mm long. The lower pitchers may be dark purple or pale, yellowish green with purple spots, often with a purple peristome.
Upper pitchers abruptly originating from the tendril, arising from a curve 5-10 mm wide, broadly infundibular and contracted just below the mouth, 7.1-9 cm tall, 5.8-6.2 cm wide, lacking fringed wings but with two prominent ridges; mouth orbiculate, horizontal in front and slightly elevated at base of lid; peristome flattened, to 6 mm wide, ribs ca. 1 mm apart, inner edge with no pitcher wholly glandular except for ca. 1 cm band immediately below peristome; lid sub-orbiculate to ovate, 4.5-6.8 cm long, 4-6.4 cm wide, lover surface lacking appendages and evenly covered with small nectar glands; spur consisting of a simple, central appendage 2-6 mm long and two lateral appendages to either side at the base of the lid ca. 0.5-1.5 mm long. The upper pitchers are pale yellowish green, with orangey-red highlights across the peristome and lower surface of the lid.
Male inflorescence a racemose panicle, 26.5 cm long; peduncle 4.3 cm long, 0.5 cm in diameter at base; partial peduncles ca. 200, 7-9 mm long, each bearing a single flower, bracts absent; tepals ovate, 5 mm long and 2 mm wide; androphore 3 mm long; anther head orbicular, up to 2 mm in diameter.
Female inflorescence as male, but 14.2 cm long; peduncle 7.5 cm long, 0.4. cm in diameter at base; partial peduncles ca. 55, 5-6 mm long; tepals ovate, 4 mm long and 2 mm wide; ovaries ca. 4 mm long.
Indumentum consisting of soft, white, simple and somewhat adpressed hairs present on most parts except upper surface of lamina, densest on stem near internodes, lower surface of leaf, midrib, and on inflorescence, becoming less dense on climbing stems.A


Belongs to Nepenthes sect. Tentaculatae Cheek & JebbB

Distribution (General)

Indonesia, Sulawesi Tenggara.A


Mossy forest and open landslips on steep ridges at approx. 1800 m a.s.l.A


A. Nerz, J., Wistuba, A., Zimmermann, U., Lee, C.C., Pirade Paserang, A. & Pitopang, R. 2011: Nepenthes undulatifolia, a new pitcher plant from South East Sulawesi, pp. 492-505. – In: McPherson, S. R., New Nepenthes 1. – Poole: Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole
B. Cheek, M. R. & Jebb, M. H. P. 2016: A new section in Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) and a new species from Sulawesi. – Blumea 61: 59-62


CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
South East Sulawesi, 08 April 2009, APP-1 (holotype, CEB)
Citation: South East Sulawesi, 08 April 2009, APP-1 (holotype, CEB)