Nepenthes flava
Nepenthes flava in Blumea 52(1): 159 (-163, fig. 1). 2007 [The specific epithet ‘flava’ refers to the bright yellow colour of the upper pitchers and most of the lower pitchers. climbing plants especially give the impression of a mainly yellow plant.B]. sec. Wistuba & al. 2007 wfo-0000507678
- Type: Wistuba cult. Wistuba 100201 (holo L; iso L), northern Sumatra, 1800 m, material from a specimen in cultivation.
The plants grow as basal rosette only for a short time and start climbing early. climbing plants reach several metres in height.Stem almost round in cross section, c. 3 mm diam., green to dark red, internodes 2 –14 cm long, glabrous, only young developing parts sparsely covered by red-brown basally branched hairs 0.2 – 0.5 mm long. Leaves oblong to narrowly obovate, 7– 9 by 1.5 – 2.5 cm, yellowish green, with glabrous margins; lamina with three prominent longitudinal nerves and indistinct reticulate nerves. the leaf-base clasps 1/2 to 3/4 of the perimeter of the stem. Tendrils 18 – 24 cm long, with curl, widely curved near the pitcher; young developing pitchers and tendril tips densely covered by red-brown hairs 0.5 –1 mm long. Pitchers dimorphic, yellow to yellowish green in colour, rarely reddish, never spotted, peristome cream to light yellow, rarely red, occasionally with a few red stripes. Lower pitchers ovate-infundibulate , 4 –7 by 3 – 4 cm, with two fringed wings in the upper third of the pitcher, the wings 2 – 3 mm wide with filiform fringes c. 5 mm long; peristome cylindrical to slightly expanded, folded or crenellated on the outer edge, 8–10 mm wide and finely ribbed, the ribs 0.1– 0.2 mm apart; pitcher mouth round, slightly elongated to the back without a neck, or at most with just a slightly developed one; lid 2.5 – 3.5 by 1.5 – 2 cm, narrowly ovate, elongated to linear with a glandular crest at the base of the lower surface; spur unbranched, filiform, 3 – 4 mm long; nectar glands circular, 0.3 mm diam., scattered over the lower surface of the lid, but concentrated around the midrib and glandular crest. Upper pitchers tubular in the lower part, infundibulate in the upper part; pitchers originate abruptly from the hanging end of the tendril; peristome flattened, partially expanded, 5 –15 mm wide at both sides of the pitcher, outer margin distinctly crumpled, finely ribbed, the ribs 0.1– 0.3 mm apart; lid elongated, ovate-cordate to linear, slightly truncate at the apex, 3 – 4 by 1.8 – 2.5 cm, bearing a slightly developed crest at the base; spur unbranched, filiform, 3 – 4 mm long; nectar glands circular, 0.3 mm diam., scattered over the lower surface of the lid, concentrated around the midrib and glandular crest. Male inflorescence 6 –7 cm long, racemose, with 15 – 40 flowers; peduncle 3 – 4 cm long; pedicels 1-flowered, 4 – 6 mm long, usually with a basal bract of 2 – 3 mm length; tepals ovate, 2 – 3 by 1 mm, with nectar glands, tepal margins densely covered with short, curved red-brown hairs c. 0.2 mm long; androphore 3 mm long, anther head 1–1.5 mm diameter. All parts of the inflorescence yellow and covered by yellowish brown, short, branched hairs 0.5 –1 mm long. Female inflorescence 6 –7 cm long, racemose, with 15 – 25 flowers; peduncle 5 – 8 cm long; pedicels 1-flowered, 8 –11 mm long, usually with a basal bract of 3 – 4 mm length; tepals ovate, 2 – 3 by 1 mm, with nectar glands, tepal margins densely covered with short, curved red-brown hairs ca. 0.2 mm long; ovary 3 – 4 mm long, densely covered by red-brown hairs 0.5 –1 mm long. All parts of the inflorescence yellow and covered by yellowish brown, short, branched hairs 0.5 –1 mm long. Fruit and seed not seen.A
Distribution (General)
Indonesia, SumatraA
Terrestrial in montane forests, between 1800 – 2200 m above sea level. In more open parts of the Rhododendron– Leptospermum-forest, where the trees and shrubs typically do not exceed 4 – 5 m in height. Nepenthes flava grows together with N. mikei, N. ovata Nerz & Wistuba, N. rhombicaulis Kurata and N. spectabilis Danser in this area.A
Country | Date | Collector + collecting number | Herbaria | Type | Scan | Derivatives | |
Wistuba cult. Wistuba 100201 (holo L; iso L), northern Sumatra, 1800 m, material from a specimen in cultivation. | |||||||
Citation: Wistuba cult. Wistuba 100201 (holo L; iso L), northern Sumatra, 1800 m, material from a specimen in cultivation. |