Nepenthes barcelonae

Nepenthes barcelonae


Nepenthes barcelonae Cheek, Tandang & P.B.Pelser in Phytotaxa 222(2): 146 (145-149, fig. 1-2). 2015 [The specific epithet is chosen in honour of Julie F. Barcelona, Philippine botanist, specialist in Philippine ferns and Rafflesia Brown (1821: 207) and co-discoverer of this new Nepenthes species.B]. sec. Cheek & al. 2015 wfo-0001302527
      Type: PHILIPPINES: Luzon, Sierra Madre Mountain range, Aurora Province, fr. 22 Feb. 2014, Tandang 1727 with Pelser & Barcelona (holotype PNH, isotype K) designated by Cheek & al. 20151
  • 1. Cheek, M. R., Tandang, D. N. & Pelser, P. B. 2015: Nepenthes barcelonae (Nepenthaceae), a new species from Luzon, Philippines. – Phytotaxa 222(2): 145-150


Terrestrial climber to 2 or 3 m tall, glabrous apart from the pitcher and inflorescence. Rosette and short stems unknown. Climbing stems terete, 4.5–7.0 mm, mainly 2-winged, internodes 1.5–3.0(–4.5) cm long, winged for 0.5–2.5 cm of their length, wings decurrent from leaf, 0.6–0.7 cm wide at midlength, leaf-base clasping stem for half its circumference. Leaves sessile, ligulate-oblong, (13.2–)19.5–23.0(–24.5) × (1.9–)2.5–4.0(–4.5) cm, apex obtuse- acute, tendril not arising peltately, leaf base not tapering towards the stem. Upper pitchers (mouth facing away from tendril, fringed wings absent) dimorphic and dichromic, slightly curved, cylindrical or slightly laterally compressed, constriction slight, gradual, inconspicuous, 0–1/4 the diameter, about two-thirds the length from the base, or constriction absent; apex of pitcher tube abruptly constricted, so that the mouth is inset, and only the tips of the lobes of the broad peristome extend beyond the circumference of the top of the pitcher tube; fringed wings reduced to inconspicuous ridges 1.10–1.25 cm apart, or absent; indumentum of expanding, immature pitchers dense, 100% cover, hairs matt, medium brown, appressed, simple hairs 0.4–0.6(–0.9) mm long; indumentum of mature pitchers sparse, cover <5%, hairs patent, simple, (1–)2–3(–4)-celled, mostly 0.15–0.25 mm long, suberect or appressed, mixed with depressed-globose red glands 0.05 mm in diameter. Inner surface of pitcher with crescent-shaped pits, waxy surface absent. Mouth orbicular, 2.70–3.75 cm interior diameter, oriented at 45–50 degrees from the horizontal, straight, not curved until the dorsal 1/10 which is abruptly concave, forming a short but distinct column 3–4 × 4–5 mm. Peristome glossy dark red, subcylindrical in section, outer edge gradually attenuate until membranous, mostly appressed to outer pitcher surface, undulate, with 1–2(–4) shallow lobes on each side, inner edge with slender teeth c. 1 mm long, conspicuous only near the column, elsewhere inconspicuous due to the slight reflexing of the edge under the main peristome body. Lid ovate, length:breadth ratio 1.15–1.5:1, held more or less horizontally, apex rounded, base cordate, basal appendage absent, upper surface sparsely puberulous, indumentum as outer pitcher, with a pair of low, curved ridges each side of the slightly depressed midline, lower surface with 30–90 nectar glands scattered over the surface on each side of a midline band 4–5(–7) mm wide which lacks nectar glands, nectar glands thinly bordered, transversely elliptic, (0.4–)0.5–0.8(–0.95) × 0.35–0.50 mm. Spur erect, cylindrical, 3–5 × 0.9–1 mm, apex acute, puberulous with hairs 0.2–0.3 mm long. Primary upper pitchers produced on the lower part of the stem, up to c. 1.5m from the ground, tendrils (30–)73–79 cm long, not coiled, pitchers sometimes resting on ground, outer pitcher surface uniformly bright red, lid green flushed red, pitcher length:breadth ratio 2–3:1, 5.7–18 × 2.7–6.8 cm, peristome (4–)6–10.5(–20) mm broad, ridges (0.9–)1.5–2.0 mm apart, (0.5–)1.5 mm high; lid (3.6–)8.0 × (2.7–)6.0 cm. Secondary upper pitchers produced from stems more than 1.5m tall, tendrils 20–21 cm long, coiled, pitchers all aerial, outer pitcher surface glossy pale green, pitcher length:breadth ratio 4–5:1, 10–12 × 2.6–2.7 cm; peristome 6–7 mm across, ridges less pronounced than in primary upper pitchers; lid c. 3.85 × 1.75 cm. Infructescence racemose, c. 35 × 6 cm, peduncle c. 19 cm long, 0.6 cm diam. at base, rhachis c. 15.7 cm long with at least 78 1-flowered partial-peduncles; bracts absent; pedicels 8.5–9.0(–11.0) mm long, sepals elliptic-oblanceolate, c. 3.5–4.0 × 1.175 mm. Fruit stipitate, 4-valved, fusiform, 10–16 mm long, stipe 1.25 mm long. Seed fusiform, pale brown, 4.5 mm long, seedbody oblong, 1.75 mm long.A


Nepenthes barcelonae is a poorly known species, since rosette and short stem phases (if produced), and flowers, remain undocumented. However, these features are also unknown in other species of the genus and are not a barrier to description and naming.A


We here assess N. barcelonae as Critically Endangered under Criterion B2ab(iii) of IUCN (2014) since it is known from a single location, with an area of occupancy and extent of occurrence of < 10km² (using the currently IUCN-favoured 4km² grid cell size), where it is threatened by collecting of mature individuals and where habitat degradation is encroaching.A

Distribution (General)

Philippines, Luzon, Sierra Madre Mts.A


Submontane forest, sometimes stunted, 1500– 1700 m a.s.l.A


A. Cheek, M. R., Tandang, D. N. & Pelser, P. B. 2015: Nepenthes barcelonae (Nepenthaceae), a new species from Luzon, Philippines. – Phytotaxa 222(2): 145-150


CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
PHILIPPINES: Luzon, Sierra Madre Mountain range, Aurora Province, fr. 22 Feb. 2014, Tandang 1727 with Pelser & Barcelona (holotype PNH, isotype K)
Citation: PHILIPPINES: Luzon, Sierra Madre Mountain range, Aurora Province, fr. 22 Feb. 2014, Tandang 1727 with Pelser & Barcelona (holotype PNH, isotype K)