Nepenthes parvula
Nepenthes parvula in Phytotaxa 277(2): 200 (-203, fig. 1, 3). 2016 [The epithet parvula refers to the small size of mature plants.B]. sec. Wilson & Venter 2016 wfo-0001302601
- Type: AUSTRALIA. Cape York, ‘Jardine Swamp’, 11° 06′ 17.85″S, 142° 20′ 13.45″E, 20 m, female fl. 27 August 2012, Wilson & Venter 724 (holotype CNS, isotype BRI). designated by Wilson & Venter 20161
Erect subshrub 0.35(–0.50) m tall. Stems circular in cross section (diameter 2.5–5.0 mm), internodes 0.5–5.0 mm long at base and 2.0–10.0 mm near apex; indumentum tomentose with white-coloured simple hairs and dark-coloured stellate hairs. Lower leaves coriaceous, sessile, linear-lanceolate, 10–25 × 5–10 mm, slightly to moderately arched, apex attenuate-acute, base contracting gradually towards the petiole, clasping the stem for 2/3 of its circumference, margin sparsely fimbriate; longitudinal nerves 4–6 per side, evenly spaced; pennate nerves rectangular with longitudinal nerves. Tendril straight, 5–10 mm long, about 0.8 mm in diameter, insertion simple; indumentum as stem. Upper leaves coriaceous, sessile, linear-lanceolate, 30–90 × 7–14 mm, moderately arched, V- shaped in cross section, apex attenuate-acute, base contracting gradually towards the petiole, clasping the stem for 2/3 of its circumference, margin entire (rarely slightly fimbriate); longitudinal nerves 3–4 on each side of the midrib, on outer 3/5 of blade, pennate nerves rectangular with longitudinal nerves, except between the outermost nerve and margin where they are at 45°. Tendril kinked (sometimes coiled) 30–60 mm long, 0.8–1.0 mm diam., insertion simple; indumentum as stem. Lower pitchers ovoid, 15–30 × 5–10 mm, constriction below midpoint, nectar gland density 900–1200 per cm2; alae extend length of pitcher but reducing towards the base, fimbriate in upper portion, fimbriae 0.4–1.2 mm long; mouth oblique and subovate; peristome subcylindrical to slightly flattened, 0.4–1.2 mm broad, ribs 0.05–0.2 mm apart, 0.05–0.10 mm high, outer margin entire, revolute, inner margin dentate, teeth slightly curved; lid sub-orbicular, 5–14 × 3.2–13.0 mm, flat, no appendage, apex rounded; crateriform glands evenly distributed; spur straight, simple (sometimes bifurcate or multiple), 1.0–3.5 mm long. Upper pitchers cylindrical, 35–60 × 10–15 mm, constriction below midpoint, nectar gland density 1200–1500 per cm2; alae reduced to ridges with an entire margin, 0.1–0.3 mm wide; mouth oblique and subovate; peristome subcylindrical to slightly flattened, 1–2 mm broad, ribs 0.15–0.4 mm apart, 0.05–0.15 mm high, outer margin entire, revolute, inner margin dentate, teeth slightly curved, 0.1 mm long; lid sub-orbicular, 10–20 × 10–15 mm, vaulted, lower surface consistently deep red in colour, no appendage, apex rounded (sometimes slightly indented); crateriform glands evenly distributed, 250–300 per cm2, suborbicular 0.15-
0.20 mm, with a thin marginal rim; spur straight, simple (sometimes bifurcate), 2.5–6.0 mm long. Male inflorescence a raceme, up to 100 mm long, peduncle 25–50 mm long; bracts absent; rhachis 25–50 mm long, indumentum dense except on adaxial surface of tepals and staminal column, hairs simple, white; up to 50 flowers, 1(–3)-flowered, pedicel 2.5–5.0 mm long, no bracteole; tepals 2.0–3.5 × 1.0–2.5 mm, nectar glands on red-coloured adaxial surface of tepals; staminal column 0.8–1.3 mm long, anther-head about 1.5 mm in diameter. Female inflorescence up to 100 mm long, peduncle 40–60 mm long, bracts absent; rhachis 40–60 mm long; up to 35 flowers, partial-peduncle 1-flowered, 3-locular, pedicel 2.5–5.0 mm long, no bracteoles; tepals 2.5–3.0 × 1.5 mm, nectar glands on red-coloured adaxial surface of tepals, indumentum dense except on adaxial surface of tepals and stigma surface, hairs simple, white; capsule 3.5–6.0 mm long and seeds 2.7–3.5 mm long.A
0.20 mm, with a thin marginal rim; spur straight, simple (sometimes bifurcate), 2.5–6.0 mm long. Male inflorescence a raceme, up to 100 mm long, peduncle 25–50 mm long; bracts absent; rhachis 25–50 mm long, indumentum dense except on adaxial surface of tepals and staminal column, hairs simple, white; up to 50 flowers, 1(–3)-flowered, pedicel 2.5–5.0 mm long, no bracteole; tepals 2.0–3.5 × 1.0–2.5 mm, nectar glands on red-coloured adaxial surface of tepals; staminal column 0.8–1.3 mm long, anther-head about 1.5 mm in diameter. Female inflorescence up to 100 mm long, peduncle 40–60 mm long, bracts absent; rhachis 40–60 mm long; up to 35 flowers, partial-peduncle 1-flowered, 3-locular, pedicel 2.5–5.0 mm long, no bracteoles; tepals 2.5–3.0 × 1.5 mm, nectar glands on red-coloured adaxial surface of tepals, indumentum dense except on adaxial surface of tepals and stigma surface, hairs simple, white; capsule 3.5–6.0 mm long and seeds 2.7–3.5 mm long.A
Conservation Status of Vulnerable under the criterion B1a+B2a of IUCN (2015) is proposed.A
Distribution (General)
Australia, Queensland, Cape YorkA
Freshwater swamps, at 0–30 m a.s.l. Regional Ecosystem 3.3.64a “Palustrine wetland (e.g. vegetated swamp)". A
Country | Date | Collector + collecting number | Herbaria | Type | Scan | Derivatives | |
AUSTRALIA. Cape York, ‘Jardine Swamp’, 11° 06′ 17.85″S, 142° 20′ 13.45″E, 20 m, female fl. 27 August 2012, Wilson & Venter 724 (holotype CNS, isotype BRI). | |||||||
Citation: AUSTRALIA. Cape York, ‘Jardine Swamp’, 11° 06′ 17.85″S, 142° 20′ 13.45″E, 20 m, female fl. 27 August 2012, Wilson & Venter 724 (holotype CNS, isotype BRI). |