Nepenthes eymae

Nepenthes eymae


Nepenthes eymae Sh.Kurata [as "eymai"] in J. Insectiv. Pl. Soc. 35(2): 41. 6 Feb 1984 [The name Eyma is feminine, even though the collector was male, and the correct ending is therefore ‘eymae’.B]. sec. Cheek & Jebb 2001 wfo-00003819241
      Type: Indonesia (Kurata, Atsumi & Komatsu 102-a (Not located, probably Nippon Dental College, plate in Sh. Kurata 1984: 44), Sulawesi, G. Lumut, 1850 m, 5 Nov 1983. designated by Cheek & Jebb 20012)
  • 1. Type: Kurata, Atsumi & Komatsu 102a (not located, probably Nippon Dental College, plate in Sh. Kurata, l.c. p. 44) Sulawesi, G. Lumut, 1850 m, 5 Nov. 1983, 2. Cheek, M. R. & Jebb, M. H. P. 2001: Flora Malesiana - Nepenthaceae, Series I, Volume 15. – Leiden: Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Universiteit Leiden branch
  • =Nepenthes infundibuliformis J.R.Turnbull & A.T.Middleton in Reinwardtia 10(2): 110 (-111). 10 Feb 1984 syn. sec. Cheek & Jebb 2001 wfo-0000382004
    • Type: Sulawesi, G. Lumut Kecil, alt. 1500 m, 1°3'S, 121°41'E, 20 Sep 1983, J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton 83148a (BO)

Other sources

Jebb, M. H. P. & Cheek, M. R. 1997: A skeletal revision of Nepenthes. – Blumea 42(1): 1-106. p 39


Terrestrial climber to c. 5 m (?) tall. Stem 2-ridged, 5-8 mm diam., internodes of climbing stems 1.5-6 cm long, axillary buds spike-like, 6-10(-20) by 1.5 mm, inserted 3-5(-10) mm above the axil. Leaves of the climbing stems coriaceous, petiolate, blade oblong-elliptic, 8-13(-20) by 3-4.5(-7) cm, apex acute to obtuse, not peltate, base attenuate, petiole winged, 4.2-8.5 cm long, wings c. 4 mm wide, clasping the stem for 1/2 its circumference, abruptly decurrent as two low ridges to the node below. Longitudinal and pennate nerves inconspicuous. Lower pitchers cylindrical, slightly constricted below the mouth, 10-18 by 2-6 cm, with fringed wings in upper 2/3, 2 mm wide, fringe elements 3 mm long; mouth ovate, oblique, concave; peristome rounded in transverse section, 2-5 mm wide at front, expanded, and sinuate towards lid, then to 25 mm wide; lid subtriangular, to 4.5 by 2 cm, apex acuminate, base truncate to auriculate, with broad, rounded lobes, lower surface with basal appendage hooked, apical appendage filiform, midline and appendages with large, elliptic, bordered glands to 2 by 1 mm, the lid blade with numerous small glands, margin irregular, sinuous. Upper pitchers gradually originating from tendril, with a wide tubular curve which expands rapidly at 1/2-3/4 overall height to form a broad bowl, which is sometimes shortly contracted immediately below the peristome; to 11 by 8 cm overall, ventral ridges parallel in lower curve, divergent above, mouth horizontal, straight, rising abrubtly at the rear and forming a 1-3 cm long, vertical, acuminate column, peristome flattened above, sharply curved at outer edge, broadest on inner surface, 0.2-0.4 cm broad at front 0.8 cm towards column, ribs 0.25-0.5 mm apart, fairly conspicuous, outer edge often sinuate immediately adjacent to column, inner edge entire; lid hastate, to 8 cm long, 1 cm broad in middle, 2.5 cm broad at base, basal lobes rounded, apex obtuse to abruptly rounded, margin sinuate; lower surface with basal appendage hook-shaped, to 8 mm long, apical appendage filiform, to 12 mm long; glandulation as in lids of lower pitchers; spur to 10 mm, inserted 10 mm from lid, bifurcate at tip or entire. Unopened pitchers laterally compressed, with a prominent bulge at the dorsal end with spur upright and bifurcation closed. Male inflorescence 30 by 2.5 cm; peduncle 11 cm long, 3 mm diam. at base; partial peduncles 2-flowered at base, 1-flowered at apex, 30-40, c. 4 mm long; bracts absent; pedicels c. 10 mm long; tepals elliptic, c. 4 by 2 mm; androphore 4 mm long; anther head 1 by 1.5 mm. Fruit and seed unknown. Indumentum reddish brown, on all surfaces, including stem, underside of lid and leaf blade surfaces, of short tufted hairs to 0.05 mm long and simple hairs to 0.8 mm long, especially dense and longer on tendril, midrib, lid and spur where up to 1-2 mm long. Colour of leaves dark green, tendrils reddish, pitcher yellowish green or white below becoming blotched with red above, generally more darkly pigmented within, peristome with numerous narrow streaks of red and green, lid green above, with red blotches below; flowers red; indumentum maroon.A


Closely related to N. maxima which also occurs in Sulawesi, but differing in the narrowly hastate lid (not ovate to elliptic) and in that the upper pitchers are strikingly infundibuliform — bowl-shaped in the upper half, arising abruptly from a narrowly cylindrical basal half. The remarkable pitcher appears to be a specialised trap, its relatively horizontal sides would probably make the capture of much of its prey difficult. The pitcher fluid is extremely viscous in cultivated specimens at Kew, interestingly this feature is also reported in N. inermis, a species with equally infundibulate upper pitchers from Sumatra (see there for a possible functional explanation).
Along with two other species (N. hamata and N. glabrata) the nomenclatural history of N. eymae involved almost simultaneous publication of two competing names. Kurata’s publication of N. eymae preceded Turnbull & Middleton’s N. infundibuliformis by just 4 days. Unfortunately the location of the proposed holotype (Kurata 102a), and series of isotypes (103, 104 & 105) was not stated (although the name is nonetheless valid under article 37 of the ICBN), and none of this material appears to have been deposited in a public institution. However, the holotype is illustrated in the original publication. Nor do the types proposed by Turnbull & Middleton appear to have been deposited at Bogor as stated. A

Distribution (General)

Sulawesi: apparently widely distributed in the mountains of the eastern arm of the central area.A


Ridges in moss forest; 1500-2000 m.A


A. Cheek, M. R. & Jebb, M. H. P. 2001: Flora Malesiana - Nepenthaceae, Series I, Volume 15. – Leiden: Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Universiteit Leiden branch



CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
20 Sep 1983Turnbull, J. R. & Middleton, A.T. 83148aBO
Citation: Sulawesi, G. Lumut Kecil, alt. 1500 m, 1°3'S, 121°41'E, 20 Sep 1983, J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton 83148a

Specimen summary: BO
Type for: Nepenthes infundibuliformis J.R.Turnbull & A.T.Middleton

Citation: Indonesia

Specimen summary: Kurata, Atsumi & Komatsu 102-a (Not located, probably Nippon Dental College, plate in Sh. Kurata 1984: 44), Sulawesi, G. Lumut, 1850 m, 5 Nov 1983.
Type for: Nepenthes eymae Sh.Kurata