Nepenthes pantaronensis

Nepenthes pantaronensis


Nepenthes pantaronensis Gieray, Gronem., Wistuba, Marwinski, Micheler, Coritico & Amoroso in Plants (Basel) 3(2): 286 (-289, fig. 1). 2014 [The specific epithet denotes that N. pantaronensis was discovered in the Pantaron mountain range.B]. sec. Cheek & Jebb 2001 wfo-0001302600
      Type: Philippines, Mindanao Island, Bukidnon Province, Pantaron mountain range, Mt. Gaka (1,390 m) near Sitio Mahayag (Barangay St. Peter, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Province, Philippines), 15.08.2012, T. Gronemeyer and F. Coritico, holotype CMUH00008625, Central Mindanao University Herbarium (CMUH)


The stem is up to 3 m long, cylindrical in the cross-section, 0.9–1 cm in diameter, with internodes up to 13 cm long.
Leaves of the basal stem are linear to oblong, up to 28 cm long and 5 cm wide, with two longitudinal veins on each side of the midrib and numerous pinnate veins running obliquely towards the leaf margins. The apex of the lamina is acute, the base attenuate and forming a canaliculate petiole that is strongly decurrent down the full length of the internode. The tendrils are up to 34 cm long and mostly coiled. All parts of the foliage may be yellowish green.
Leaves of the climbing stem form a broad-winged petiole that is also strongly decurrent. In all other respects, they are consistent with the leaves of the basal stem.
Lower pitchers are up to 35 cm tall and 6 cm wide, though usually smaller. The bottom quarter to third of the pitcher is variably inflated, sometimes to the extent that the basal part is bulbous. Above the broad lower section, the pitcher narrows, becoming cylindrical or very slightly infundibular towards the pitcher opening. Wings are usually reduced to ribs, although occasionally, some fringes are present below the pitcher opening. The pitcher opening is oblique and up to 5 cm wide. The peristome is flattened, up to 2.5 cm wide and particularly broad around the sides and below the lid. The peristome is lined with ribs up to 2 mm high, spaced up to 2 mm apart. The ribs are elongated on the inner edge of the peristome to form narrow teeth up to 3 mm long. The lid is ovate, up to 7 cm long and 6 cm wide, with glands densely and evenly distributed over the lower surface. A prominent, triangular, hooked and keeled appendage up to 5 mm long is present on the underside of the lid. The spur is unbranched and up to 5 mm long. The exterior of the lower pitchers is greenish or slightly orange, with narrow orange-red blotches. The interior of the pitcher is white or light yellowish green, lined with small, angular blotches of purple-red. The peristome is red, variably striped with bands of yellow, orange and purple. The lower and upper surface of the lid is bright red.
Upper pitchers are up to 40 cm long and 5 cm wide, though usually smaller. The bottom fifth to quarter of the trap is inflated and bulbous, narrowing above this part before becoming cylindrical towards the pitcher opening. Some of the upper pitchers are narrower above the bottom fifth to quarter of the trap, while others are almost cylindrical with almost no narrowing. Wings are indiscernible. The peristome is up to 1 cm wide, cylindrical or slightly flattened, lined with ribs up to 1 mm high, spaced up to 1 mm apart. In all other aspects, including coloration and color variability, the upper pitchers are consistent with the lower ones, although some upper pitchers are entirely green with no blotches.
The inflorescence is a panicle, up to 29 cm long, composed of a 19.5 cm-long scape and an additional 9.5 cm rachis bearing pedicels evenly scattered along its length. The pedicels are about 2 cm long, branched and one- or two-flowered. Bracts are absent.
Indumentum is present across the foliage, inflorescence and pitchers, consisting of orangey brown hairs up to 1 mm long.A


Assessed as NT (near threatened).A

Distribution (General)

Philippines, Mindanao Island, Bukidnon Province, Pantaron mountain range.A


Epiphytic on high trees in lower montane forest.A


A. Gronemeyer, T., Coritico, F., Wistuba, A., Marwinski, D., Gieray, T., Micheler, M., Mey, F. S. & Amoroso, V. B. 2014: Four New Species of Nepenthes L. (Nepenthaceae) from the Central Mountains of Mindanao, Philippines. – Plants (Basel) 3(2): 284-303


CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
Philippines, Mindanao Island, Bukidnon Province, Pantaron mountain range, Mt. Gaka (1,390 m) near Sitio Mahayag (Barangay St. Peter, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Province, Philippines), 15.08.2012, T. Gronemeyer and F. Coritico, holotype CMUH00008625, Central Mindanao University Herbarium (CMUH)
Citation: Philippines, Mindanao Island, Bukidnon Province, Pantaron mountain range, Mt. Gaka (1,390 m) near Sitio Mahayag (Barangay St. Peter, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Province, Philippines), 15.08.2012, T. Gronemeyer and F. Coritico, holotype CMUH00008625, Central Mindanao University Herbarium (CMUH)