Nepenthes robcantleyi
Nepenthes robcantleyi in Nordic J. Bot. 29(preprint): 2, (1-5, fig.). 2011 [Named after Robert Cantley of Borneo Exotics who first discovered this species in the wild, grew plants to maturity from seed, and multiplied them for distribution and future re-introduction to the wild. The name N. cantleyi although not legitimately validated, has been used already for a hybrid Nepenthes and for this reason, to avoid confusion, has not been adopted for this species.B]. sec. Cheek 2012 wfo-0000748690
- Type: Philippines, Mindanao (exact location witheld for conservation reasons), herbarium specimens from plants cultivated from the seed collected in wild in 1997 by Rob Cantley, fl. 15 Jun 2010, Cheek 15877 (holotype: K, isotype: PNH) designated by Cheek 20121
Terrestrial shrub (probably also epiphytic) 0.5-1.0 m tall, not known to climb. Stem terete, ca 2 cm in diameter, internodes 1.5-2.5 cm long, each leaf base slightly sheathing the one above, axillary buds not conspicuous.
Leaves thickly leathery, petiolate; those of short stems oblong-elliptic in outline 25.0-28.55 x23.0-26.5 cm (largest leaves of each specimen), apex truncate with acumen 2-3 x2-3 cm, not peltate, base cordate, sinus 2.1-3.2 cm deep; petiole pseudo-terete, canaliculate- winged, the wings folding over the adaxial canal, 22-23 cm long, 0.8-1.0 cm wide in upper half, 2 cm wide near stem, petiole base sheathing the stem for 3/5 its circumference, and 3-5 cm of its length. Longitudinal nerves 2-4 on each side of the midrib, conspicuous. Pennate nerves inconspicuous, tendril of longer, intermediate pitchers lacking coils, stout, 7 mm in diameter. Lower pitchers rarely seen, plants rapidly producing intermediate pitchers. Intermediate pitchers broadly cylindrical, ca 33.0 x9.5 cm, slightly broader at the base 8-9 cm wide, narrowest below the peristome 7.8-8.5 cm wide, with two fringed wings ca 10 mm wide, fringed elements 10-12 mm long, 3-4 mm apart; mouth obcordate, horizontal in front, centre rising by 1(-3) cm, abruptly concave behind, rising into a long column terminating ca 12 cm above the front of the mouth; peristome gently curved in section, ca 2 cm wide at front, 5 cm in centre, 6-9(-10) cm wide below the column, column ca 4 cm long, the ribs ca 1.5 mm apart, 1.0-1.5 mm deep, outer edge of peristome slightly undulate, inner edge with teeth 3-4 mm long, those along the central seam ca 2 mm long, splayed out from the plane of the peristome by ca 458; lid held9horizontally on a short cylindrical stipe ca 5 x3 mm; broadly ovate to suborbicular ca 9.5 x9.5 cm, apex rounded, base shallowly, then abruptly cordate, sinus 2 cm wide, 5-8 mm deep, upper surface with ovate boss ca 4 x3 cm, raised 1 cm, immediately above the basal appendage on the lower surface; lower surface with a laterally flattened more or less semicircular basal appendage ca 4 mm high, 13 mm long, arising from a keel 3-5 mm high, ca 2.5 cm long, continuing towards the apex as a raised midrib terminating in a small cylindrical terminal appendage ca 3 mm wide, projecting from the surface ca 2 mm, placed 7 mm from the apex; lid nectar glands restricted to the ovate boss (concave) area ca 4 x3 cm around the basal appendage; glands dense, orbicular, dome-volcano-like 0.15 mm in diameter. Within a 5 mm radius of the base of the appendage, otherwise transversely elliptic 0.3-0.5 mm wide; remainder of lid with minute thinly scattered red depressed globose glands ca 0.05 mm diameter; spur entire, stout, ca 12 x1.5 mm, apex truncate-concave. Upper pitchers (lacking fringed wings, with tendrils coiled) not formed.
Female inflorescence 140 cm long, peduncle 97 cm long; partial-peduncles ca 35 per inflorescence, (0 -)17-55 mm apart on rhachis, 19-28 mm long, two-flowered, bracts filiform-linear, 4-6 mm long, patent-reflexed, inserted on partial-peduncles 4-10 mm from base; bracts atypically longer at base of inflorescence; pedicels 20-33 mm long; sepals dull pale green, four, oblong-elliptic, 6-8 x3-4 mm, elongating as flower ages, patent-reflexed; ovary ellipsoid, 3 x9 mm. Male inflorescence 2.13 m long; peduncle 97 cm long; partial-peduncles 100-130, (0-)6-8 mm apart, two-flowered, lacking bracts, 5-12 mm long; pedicels 30-36 mm long; tepals green with red base becoming purple with age, elliptic, 4-6 x3-4 mm; androphore dull red, becoming bright red with age, 5-6 mm long, anther head bright yellow, 1-2 x2-3 mm. Fully-formed fruit and seed not seen. Indumentum of red-brown dendritic hairs ca 0.5 mm long, dense on leaf-buds, sparse on lower surface of blade, upper part of pitcher, very sparse on inflorescence. Peristome dark red or black, inner margin pale green, upper surface of lid dark red or black, pitcher outer surface suffused with same colour, inner pitcher, viewed through peristome, bright green with purple patches, pitcher wings sometimes bright green; lower surface of lid bright green or dark red in outer parts, pale green along midrib and around basal appendage.A
Leaves thickly leathery, petiolate; those of short stems oblong-elliptic in outline 25.0-28.55 x23.0-26.5 cm (largest leaves of each specimen), apex truncate with acumen 2-3 x2-3 cm, not peltate, base cordate, sinus 2.1-3.2 cm deep; petiole pseudo-terete, canaliculate- winged, the wings folding over the adaxial canal, 22-23 cm long, 0.8-1.0 cm wide in upper half, 2 cm wide near stem, petiole base sheathing the stem for 3/5 its circumference, and 3-5 cm of its length. Longitudinal nerves 2-4 on each side of the midrib, conspicuous. Pennate nerves inconspicuous, tendril of longer, intermediate pitchers lacking coils, stout, 7 mm in diameter. Lower pitchers rarely seen, plants rapidly producing intermediate pitchers. Intermediate pitchers broadly cylindrical, ca 33.0 x9.5 cm, slightly broader at the base 8-9 cm wide, narrowest below the peristome 7.8-8.5 cm wide, with two fringed wings ca 10 mm wide, fringed elements 10-12 mm long, 3-4 mm apart; mouth obcordate, horizontal in front, centre rising by 1(-3) cm, abruptly concave behind, rising into a long column terminating ca 12 cm above the front of the mouth; peristome gently curved in section, ca 2 cm wide at front, 5 cm in centre, 6-9(-10) cm wide below the column, column ca 4 cm long, the ribs ca 1.5 mm apart, 1.0-1.5 mm deep, outer edge of peristome slightly undulate, inner edge with teeth 3-4 mm long, those along the central seam ca 2 mm long, splayed out from the plane of the peristome by ca 458; lid held9horizontally on a short cylindrical stipe ca 5 x3 mm; broadly ovate to suborbicular ca 9.5 x9.5 cm, apex rounded, base shallowly, then abruptly cordate, sinus 2 cm wide, 5-8 mm deep, upper surface with ovate boss ca 4 x3 cm, raised 1 cm, immediately above the basal appendage on the lower surface; lower surface with a laterally flattened more or less semicircular basal appendage ca 4 mm high, 13 mm long, arising from a keel 3-5 mm high, ca 2.5 cm long, continuing towards the apex as a raised midrib terminating in a small cylindrical terminal appendage ca 3 mm wide, projecting from the surface ca 2 mm, placed 7 mm from the apex; lid nectar glands restricted to the ovate boss (concave) area ca 4 x3 cm around the basal appendage; glands dense, orbicular, dome-volcano-like 0.15 mm in diameter. Within a 5 mm radius of the base of the appendage, otherwise transversely elliptic 0.3-0.5 mm wide; remainder of lid with minute thinly scattered red depressed globose glands ca 0.05 mm diameter; spur entire, stout, ca 12 x1.5 mm, apex truncate-concave. Upper pitchers (lacking fringed wings, with tendrils coiled) not formed.
Female inflorescence 140 cm long, peduncle 97 cm long; partial-peduncles ca 35 per inflorescence, (0 -)17-55 mm apart on rhachis, 19-28 mm long, two-flowered, bracts filiform-linear, 4-6 mm long, patent-reflexed, inserted on partial-peduncles 4-10 mm from base; bracts atypically longer at base of inflorescence; pedicels 20-33 mm long; sepals dull pale green, four, oblong-elliptic, 6-8 x3-4 mm, elongating as flower ages, patent-reflexed; ovary ellipsoid, 3 x9 mm. Male inflorescence 2.13 m long; peduncle 97 cm long; partial-peduncles 100-130, (0-)6-8 mm apart, two-flowered, lacking bracts, 5-12 mm long; pedicels 30-36 mm long; tepals green with red base becoming purple with age, elliptic, 4-6 x3-4 mm; androphore dull red, becoming bright red with age, 5-6 mm long, anther head bright yellow, 1-2 x2-3 mm. Fully-formed fruit and seed not seen. Indumentum of red-brown dendritic hairs ca 0.5 mm long, dense on leaf-buds, sparse on lower surface of blade, upper part of pitcher, very sparse on inflorescence. Peristome dark red or black, inner margin pale green, upper surface of lid dark red or black, pitcher outer surface suffused with same colour, inner pitcher, viewed through peristome, bright green with purple patches, pitcher wings sometimes bright green; lower surface of lid bright green or dark red in outer parts, pale green along midrib and around basal appendage.A
N. robcantleyi is assessed as ‘Critically Endangered’ (CR) A2c+B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)+C1+D using the criteria of IUCN (2001). A
Distribution (General)
Philippines, MindanaoA
Submontane evergreen forest; ca 1800 m a.s.l.A
Country | Date | Collector + collecting number | Herbaria | Type | Scan | Derivatives | |
Philippines, Mindanao (exact location witheld for conservation reasons), herbarium specimens from plants cultivated from the seed collected in wild in 1997 by Rob Cantley, fl. 15 Jun 2010, Cheek 15877 (holotype: K, isotype: PNH) | |||||||
Citation: Philippines, Mindanao (exact location witheld for conservation reasons), herbarium specimens from plants cultivated from the seed collected in wild in 1997 by Rob Cantley, fl. 15 Jun 2010, Cheek 15877 (holotype: K, isotype: PNH) |