Nepenthes lingulata

Nepenthes lingulata


Nepenthes lingulata Chi.C.Lee, Hernawati & Akhriadi in Blumea 51(3): 565 (-567; fig. 2). 2006 [The specific name refers to the tongue-like shape of the lid appendage.B]. sec. Lee & al. 2006 wfo-0000507680
      Type: Lee, Hernawati, Akhriadi NP 432 (holo ANDA), Indonesia, Sumatera Utara, Bukit Barisan, south of Padang Sidempuan, 22 April 2005.


Terrestrial or epiphytic climber to c. 5 m. Stems of rosettes and short shoots terete, to 0.4 cm diam., internodes 1 cm long. Climbing stems terete, to 4 mm diam., internodes 3.5 – 9 cm long. Leaves of rosettes coriaceous, sessile, lanceolate, apex acute, to 9.6 by 3 cm, clasping stem for 3/4 circumference, in live specimens the upper surface of lamina with a depressed longitudinal groove on either side of the midrib running the length of the leaf; longitudinal veins 2 on either side of the midrib; tendril straight, to 25 cm long. Leaves of climbing stems as those of rosettes but smaller, elliptical-ovate, 3.7– 4.8 by 1–2.1 cm; tendril to 14 cm long. Lower pitchers usually originating later ally from the tendril, to 28 by 4.5 cm, narrowly infundibular in basal half, constricting slightly to a cylindrical upper half, not distinctly hipped, mouth steeply oblique; inner surface glandular in the basal half, waxy portion extending from the constriction at the middle to the top of the pitcher; a pair of wings present on the front of the pitcher, to 2.5 mm wide, extending from the mouth to 2/3 or the entire length of the pitcher, with fringe elements to 1 cm long; mouth ovate, peristome flattened, to 3 cm wide, joined to the pitcher in the inner third; ribs c. 0.5 mm apart and less than 0.3 mm tall; inner margin ending in teeth c. 2 mm long; spur inserted 0.5 cm from base of lid, to 1.5 cm long, flattened and branched near the tip into up to 3 distinct points; lid broadly triangular, cordate at base, to 7.5 by 5.5 cm, undersurface completely devoid of nectar glands, with a single filiform appendage originating from the raised midrib c. 1 cm from the base of the lid, 2.2 – 4 cm long, curved about 90° towards the pitcher mouth, of which the apical 1 cm is covered with scattered raised nectar glands. Upper pitchers as the lower pitchers but smaller with the tendril originating from the rear of the pitcher, to 12.3 by 2 cm, with a distinct hip at the middle of the pitcher, wings reduced to ribs, fringe elements lacking; mouth ovate to rounded, peristome rounded to slightly flattened, to 0.4 cm wide, ribs c. 0.3 mm apart and less than 0.1 mm tall; lid to 2 by 2 cm. Male inflorescence a raceme, peduncle to 2.3 cm long, rachis 4 – 4.5 cm long, pedicels to 4 mm long, each bearing a single flower, bracts absent, sepals ovate c. 2 mm long, staminal column to 2.5 mm long. Female inflorescence a raceme, peduncle 5.5 cm long, rachis 3.5 cm long, pedicels c. 3 mm long, sepals ovate c. 5 mm long. Infructescence known from photograph only. Indumentum consisting of very dense long woolly grey-brown depressed hairs on the immature tendrils and outer surface of the pitcher, being caducous on the margins of the leaves; upper surface of lid and margins of lower surface of lid with scattered grey-brown stellate hairs. Colour of living specimens: leaves dark green above sometimes with purple edges and midrib, pale green below, stems of rosettes light green, climbing stems dark purple, inflorescence pale green, sepals light green to reddish purple, tendrils dark purple, outer surface of pitcher dark purplish black, peristome dark purple to black, interior of pitcher pale bluish green with purple spots.A


This species appears most closely related to the recently described N. izumiae, but differs most obviously by the extremely long filiform lid appendage, as well as the triangular lid shape (vs orbicular in N. izumiae), the position of nectar glands, and the very dense long woolly indumentum.
Though numerous species of Nepenthes possess a glandular crest or small projection on the underside of the base of the pitcher lid, an apparently homologous structure throughout the genus, the extreme development of this appendage in N. lingulata is unique. In most species the presence of nectar glands on this organ indicates that it is a focal point for the attraction of insect prey, though usually nectar glands are also present elsewhere on the lid. In N. lingulata, the underside of the lid is completely devoid of nectar glands, the only such glands being found at the apical end of the appendage. Visiting insects are therefore enticed to the tip of this thin filament where they may find only a tenuous stance and perhaps lose their footing to fall into the pitcher fluid which is positioned directly below. A similar mechanism occurs in the Bornean
N. bicalcarata which has two thorns that provide a similar function, though these are a structure of the peristome rather than the lid.A

Distribution (General)

Indonesia, Sumatra (Sumatera Utara, Bukit Barisan)A


Upper montane mossy forest, growing both as an epiphyte and terrestrial.A


A. Lee, C.C., Hernawati & Akhriadi, P. 2006: Two new species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) from North Sumatra. – Blumea 51(3): 561-568


CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
Lee, Hernawati, Akhriadi NP 432 (holo ANDA), Indonesia, Sumatera Utara, Bukit Barisan, south of Padang Sidempuan, 22 April 2005.
Citation: Lee, Hernawati, Akhriadi NP 432 (holo ANDA), Indonesia, Sumatera Utara, Bukit Barisan, south of Padang Sidempuan, 22 April 2005.