Nepenthes rigidifolia

Nepenthes rigidifolia


Nepenthes rigidifolia Akhriadi, Hernawati & Tamin in Reinwardtia 12(2): 141 (-144; fig. 1). 2004 [The specific epithet rigidifolia refers to stiff coriaceous texture of this species leaves.B]. sec. Akhriadi & al. 2004 wfo-0000381461
      Type: Sumatra Utara, Kab. Karo, around Sidikalang areas, 1000─1500 m, Dec 11, 2003, Nepenthes Team (Hernawati, P. Akhriadi & I. Petra), NP 354 (‘ANDA’–Holo, BO–Iso). designated by Akhriadi & al. 20041
  • 1. Akhriadi, P., Hernawati & Tamin, R. 2004: A new species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) from Sumatra. – Reinwardtia 12(2): 141-144


Stem of the rosette and lower part: rosette 30 cm length, cylindrical, 0.8 cm in diam., internodes 0.5 cm long. Stem of the middle part: similar to those of the rosette and the lower part, but erect 100─150 cm length, 1─1.3 in diam., internodes 1.2─2.1 cm long. Stem of the upper part: similar to those of the rosette and the middle parts, but climbing 100─200 cm, 0.6─1.1 cm in diam., internodes 3.2─5.1 cm long, sometimes having a spine-like on node above.
Leaves of the rosette and the lower pitcher: thick and stiff coriaceous, sessile, ovate or spathulate-oblong, 8.5─10 cm long, 3.5─4 cm broad; gradually attenuate towards the base, clasping and decurrent the stem for 2/3 its diameter; midrib flattened above and raised beneath; longitudinal veins 2 each sides of the midrib, distinct above and indistinct beneath; pinnate veins distinct above and indistinct beneath; apex obtuse-rounded; margin entire; tendril insertion sub-apical and having a wide 0.3─0.4 cm from the apex, 11.5─13 cm long. Leaves of the middle part: similar to those of the rosette and the middle part, but spathulate-oblong, 19.1─20.8 cm long, 7─7.6 cm broad; longitudinal veins 4 each sides of the midrib; tendril have wide 0.5─0.9 cm from the apex, having a loop-like, 23.6─27.2 cm long. Leaves of the upper part: similar to those of the rosette and the middle parts, but 17.8─20.2 cm long, 5.6─7.8 cm broad, clasps the stem for ½─2/3 its diameter; midrib sunken or flattened above; longitudinal veins 3─4 each sides of the midrib, distinct above and rather distinct beneath; apex obtuse-acute; tendril have a wide 0.4─0.6 cm from the apex, having a loop-like or not, 27.2─32.1 cm long.
Rosette and lower pitchers: broad ovoid, 9.6─15 cm high, 4.4─6.4 cm wide, contracted 0.2─0.9 cm wide at the base; glandular zone extended ½ of the pitcher high from base, ovoid then broad ovoid at the upper; two wings 0.1─0.2 cm broad that extended down from the edge of the mouth to 1.5─2 cm the mouth below, with fringed hairs 0.3─0.5 cm wide; mouth oblique, elliptic-ovate, having neck, 3.8─6.7 long, 2.6─4.7 cm broad; peristome expanded outwards 0.6─2.1 cm broad besides, 2 lobes each sides, contracted in front to 0.7 cm broad then having a notched in front 1.1 cm long, innerside incurved, teeth 0.05─0.1 cm long; lid elliptic-ovate, 4─5.2 x 2.5─3.5 cm, base cordate, apex acute-obtuse, longitudinal veins 3 each sides; concentrated nectar gland on beneath surface at the lip middle, circular-slightly ovate, ≤ 0.01 cm in diam.; spur 0.3─1.2 cm long, insertion 0.2 cm sub-apical of the neck, trifid then insertion one 0.3 cm long sub-apical of the spur. Middle pitchers: all other parts similar to those of rosette and lower pitcher, but 17.1─20.4 cm high, 7.8─8.5 cm wide, glandular zone slightly infundibular and expanded broad ovoid at the middle then slightly ovoid at the upper; wings slightly reduced to ribs 0.1 cm broad without fringed hairs; peristome expanded outwards 2.1─2.9 cm broad besides, contracted in front to 1.9─2.4 cm broad then having a notched in front 2.4─2.8 cm long; teeth 0.05─0.1 cm long; lid ovate, 7.1─7.7 cm long, 4.5─5.2 cm broad with nectar gland ≤ 0.01 in diam.; spur 1.2-1.6 cm long, insertion one 0.2─0.3 cm long sub-apical of the neck.
Upper pitchers: all other parts similar to those of middle pitchers, but 20.7─21.1 cm long, 7.2─9.4 cm broad; mouth expanded outwards 2.2─4.4 cm broad besides, 4 lobes each sides contracted in front to 0.9 cm broad then having a notched in front 3.9─4.7 cm long; lid 5.9─7.9 cm long, 3.9─5.6 cm broad, nectar gland beneath circular or slightly ovate ≤ 0.01 cm in diam.; spur 1─1.6 cm long, 2 branches that a branch with bifid, insertion one 0.3─0.4 cm long sub-apical of the neck.
Male flowers: a raceme, rachis 3.9 cm long, peduncle 4.2 cm long; bractea 0.9 cm long, 0.4 cm broad at the middle; peduncle branch 0.4─0.5 cm long, pedicels 0.5─0.6 cm long, 2-flowered; bracteole filiform, 0.1─0.2 cm long near the base; tepal ovate-oblong, 0.4─0.5 cm long, 0.2─0.3 cm broad; filament 0.4 cm long, staminal column 0.1 cm in diam. Female flower: not found.
Indumentum of the rosette and the middle part: tendril pubescent near the pitcher base, buds of the pitcher densely pubescent, glandular zone of the pitcher pubescent and densely pubescent on the upper, wings with fringed hairs pubescent. Indumentum of the upper part: tendril densely pubescent near the pitcher base, buds of the pitcher tomentose, developing pitcher tomentose, lid glabrous or pubescent especially at developing pitcher. Peduncle slightly pubescent; peduncle branches, pedicels, bracteole, tepal, filament densely pubescens.
Colour of Herbarium Specimen: Stem blackish, leaves above young brown and dark brown beneath, pitcher blackish brown with dark brownish blotches, lid blackish. Colour of living specimen: Stem green, leaves green, pitcher blackish brown with greenish white blotches, peristome blackish for rosette and dark reddish orange for upper, lid black with greenish blotches.A

Distribution (General)

North SumatraA


Terestrially in lower montane forest at about 1000─1500 m a.s.l.A


A. Akhriadi, P., Hernawati & Tamin, R. 2004: A new species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) from Sumatra. – Reinwardtia 12(2): 141-144


CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
Sumatra Utara, Kab. Karo, around Sidikalang areas, 1000─1500 m, Dec 11, 2003, Nepenthes Team (Hernawati, P. Akhriadi & I. Petra), NP 354 (‘ANDA’–Holo, BO–Iso).
Citation: Sumatra Utara, Kab. Karo, around Sidikalang areas, 1000─1500 m, Dec 11, 2003, Nepenthes Team (Hernawati, P. Akhriadi & I. Petra), NP 354 (‘ANDA’–Holo, BO–Iso).