Nepenthes papuana

Nepenthes papuana


Nepenthes papuana Danser in Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, sér. 3, 9: 346, f. 16. 1928 sec. Cheek & Jebb 2001 wfo-0000381567
      Lectotype: New Guinea, Irian Jaya, affluent C of the Rouffaer River, alt. 300 m, Sep 1926, Docters van Leeuwen 10341 (BO; isotypes: BO, L)

Other sources

Jebb, M. H. P. & Cheek, M. R. 1997: A skeletal revision of Nepenthes. – Blumea 42(1): 1-106. p 71
Jebb, M. H. P. 1991: An account of Nepenthes in New Guinea. – Science in New Guinea 17: 7-54. 40, f. 22


Terrestrial climber to several m tall. Climbing stems terete, 5-7 mm diam., internodes 5-7 cm long. Leaves thinly coriaceous, sessile or weakly petiolate, those of climbing stems lanceolate or narrowly elliptic, 15-30 by 2.5-5 cm, apex acute, base attenuate into a weakly formed petiole up to 4 cm long, semi-amplexicaul at base, not sheathing or decurrent. Longitudinal nerves 4-6 on each side of the midrib, running parallel in the outer 2/3 of the lamina, highly conspicuous. Pennate nerves running obliquely towards the margin, and there irregularly reticulate, inconspicuous. Lower pitchers, of the rosettes, obliquely ovoid in the lower part, gradually narrowed towards the mouth, 3-6 by 1.25-2.5 cm, 1-1.75 cm broad at the mouth, with 2 fringed wings over the whole length, 2-4 mm broad, fringe elements 1-2 mm long, 0.5 mm apart; mouth ovate, oblique, slightly concave; peristome cylindrical, 1-2 mm wide, ribs 0.5 mm apart, outer edge entire, inner edge conspicuously toothed; lid suborbicular 1-2 by 1-2 cm, apex round, base slightly cordate, lower surface lacking appendages, nectar glands densest in centre, absent from base of lid and marginal 2 mm, minute, orbicular, thinly bordered or volcano-like, 0.1-0.2 mm diam.; spur entire, dorsiventrally flattened, surrounded by filiform appendages. Upper pitchers subcylindrical, basal 1/3 slightly ventricose, upper 2/3 tubular or slightly attenuate and dilated at the mouth, 12-15 by 2.5-3 cm, with 2 narrow wings 1-3 mm wide, fringed or not, fringe elements up to 3 mm long, up to 2 mm apart; mouth broadly ovate, oblique, straight; peristome slightly flattened, 1-2 mm wide, ribs 0.5 mm apart, outer edge entire, inner toothed; lid orbicular, 2.5-3.5 by 2.25-3.25 cm, lower surface lacking appendages, nectar glands densely set near base of midrib, as lower pitcher. Male inflorescence c. 25 cm long; peduncles c. 6 cm long, 2 mm diam. at base; partial peduncles 1-flowered; bracts absent; pedicels 5-10(-15) mm long; tepals suborbicular 3 by 2.5 mm; androphore 3-4 mm long including the anther head. Fruit with valves lanceolate, 25-35 by 3-5 mm. Seeds filiform 12-15 mm long, centre transversely wrinkled. Indumentum absent from stem; leaf with midrib densely and shortly brown tomentose, leaf margin densely brown velvety hairy; pitchers densely and shortly stellately hairy when young, more sparse later; inflorescences densely brown tomentose when young, more sparse later, androphore sparsely hairy, fruit densely hairy. Colour of upper pitchers green, mouth and lid with red spots; lower pitchers more densely red spotted. Dried specimens a characteristic reddish brown colour.A


Nepenthes papuana has subcylindrical upper pitchers with a somewhat narrow peristome and resembles N. mirabilis in general appearance. It differs in its more leathery leaf blades with somewhat indistinct pennate nerves, the blades of lower rosette pitchers lack the fimbriate margin of this latter species, while the upper pitchers have blades with a pubescent margin below. Nepenthes papuana might also be confused with, and is possibly most closely related to N. neoguineensis. The latter differs mainly in the paniculate inflorescence, the conspicuous pennate nerves and the curved upper pitchers with wings broadest at the base, towards the tendril.
Ridley incorrectly identified the first known material of this species, from the Wollaston expedition, as N. neoguineensis Macfarl.A

Distribution (General)

New Guinea: southern Irian Jaya (Fakfak to Balim Valley).A


Forest edges and forest on white sand soils; 250-900 m.A


A. Cheek, M. R. & Jebb, M. H. P. 2001: Flora Malesiana - Nepenthaceae, Series I, Volume 15. – Leiden: Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Universiteit Leiden branch


CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
Sep 1926Docters van Leeuwen 10341BO, L
Citation: New Guinea, Irian Jaya, affluent C of the Rouffaer River, alt. 300 m, Sep 1926, Docters van Leeuwen 10341

Specimen summary: BO
Lectotype of Nepenthes papuana Danser

Specimen summary: L
Isotype of Nepenthes papuana Danser