Nepenthes izumiae
Nepenthes izumiae in Blumea 48(1): 180. 2003 [Named in honour of Izumi Davis, wife of T. Davis.B]. sec. Clarke & al. 2003 wfo-0000382029
- Holotype: Clarke, Davis & Tamin 1309 (ANDA), Indonesia, Sumatera Barat, Bukit Barisan, north of Bukittinggi, 13 July 2000.
Climber to 5 m. Stem cylindrical to angular, ≤ 0.8 cm in diameter, internodes ≤ 12 cm long on climbing stems, ≤ 1.0 cm on rosettes. Leaf blades of the rosettes and short shoots coriaceous, broadly lanceolate to spathulate, ≤ 25 cm long, ≤ 8 cm wide, sessile. Longitudinal veins 3 on each side of the midrib, pennate veins arising obliquely from the midrib, but difficult to distinguish. Leaf blade narrowed towards the base, but widening again at the point where it is attached to the stem, clasping the stem for 1/2 of its circumference. Tendrils ≤ 30 cm long, straight, very robust on rosettes produced by mature plants. Leaves of the climbing stems coriaceous, ≤ 20 cm long, ≤ 3 cm wide, ovate, apex rounded. Leaf blade narrows slightly towards the base, not becoming wider again at the point of attachment to the stem. Base clasps the stem for approximately 1/2 of its circumference. Tendrils ≤ 25 cm long, less robust than those of rosettes, usually with a loop in the middle. On large lower pitchers, the insertion of the tendril is usually be sub-apical by 1– 2 mm, in which case the apex of the leaf blade is elongated and obtuse. Pitchers of the rosettes arising gradually from the end of the tendril, ≤ 30 cm high, ≤ 6 cm wide. Lower 1/4 infundibular, next 1/4 narrowly ovoid, upper 1/2 cylindrical and contacted above the ovoid part but lacking a distinct hip. Cylindrical upper portion widens slightly just below the mouth. Two wings (≤ 6 mm wide), bearing multi-cellular fringe elements (≤ 9 mm long) run from the top to the bottom of the pitcher at the front. Glandular region on the inner surface extends from the bottom of the pitcher to the top of the ovoid portion, digestive glands barely hooded, not significantly raised above the glandular surface of the pitcher wall, ≤ 150 cm2. Mouth of pitchers round, ≤ 6 cm in diameter, steeply oblique, almost vertical at the rear. Peristome ≤ 3 cm wide, widest just below the lid, narrowest at the front. Inner margin bearing pronounced, narrow teeth, ≤ 1 cm long. Ribs ≤ 4 mm apart, raised to 3 mm. Lid orbicular, very strongly cordate at the base, ≤ 8 cm in diameter, with a pronounced, hook-shaped appendage (≤ 1 cm long) on the lower surface, towards the base. Large nectar glands, ≤ 1 mm across occur on the spur and midline of the lower surface of the lid. The rest of the underside of the lid is virtually devoid of nectar glands. Spur simple, ≤ 1 cm long. Upper pitchers rarely produced, arising gradually from the tendril, widening very little throughout the curl, infundibular in the lower 1/3, contracted to a distinct hip, then cylindrical above; not widening towards the mouth; ≤ 15 cm high, ≤ 4 cm wide. Mouth round, oblique, elongated into a short neck at the apex. Peristome narrow and generally cylindrical (sometimes expanded slightly at the sides) ≤ 8 mm wide, ribs distinct, raised 0.5 mm, teeth distinct, ≤ 1.5 mm long. Glandular region on inner surface covers the lower portion below the hip. Wings reduced to ribs, multicel- lular fringe hairs absent. Lid sub-orbicular, ≤ 4 cm wide, same size as the pitcher mouth, cordate at the base, structure of glandular crest and distribution nectar glands the same as in the lower pitchers. Spur short and simple, ≤ 0.5 cm long. Female inflorescence a raceme, peduncle ≤ 10 cm, rachis ≤ 8 cm. Pedicels ≤ 1 cm long, bracts and bracteoles absent, sepals ovate, ≤ 6 mm long. Mature capsules ≤ 1.5 cm long. Male inflorescence unknown. Indumentum on immature tendrils comprised of soft, white and red-brown hairs, most which are caducous. Rosette leaves glabrous above and below, margins lined with simple, short, white hairs, about 50% of which are persistent. Leaves of climb- ing stem very sparsely covered with simple, short, white hairs on the upper surface; lower surface glabrous. Margins densely covered with short, simple, brown hairs when young; many of these are caducous, but some are retained towards the apex. Leaf axils covered with short, stellate, light brown hairs. Outer surfaces of lower pitchers and up- per surface of lid densely covered with red-brown stellate hairs; spur sparsely covered with downy, red, simple hairs. Mature tendrils sparsely covered with very short, simple white hairs. Outer surface of upper pitchers and upper surface of lid densely covered with very short, white, stellate hairs. Peduncle, rachis, pedicels and capsules of female inflorescence densely covered with short, brown, stellate hairs.A
Distribution (General)
Indonesia, Sumatra (Sumatra Barat, Bukit Barisan).A
Growing strictly as an epiphyte in upper montane forest above 1700 m above sea level.A
Country | Date | Collector + collecting number | Herbaria | Type | Scan | Derivatives | |
Clarke, Davis & Tamin 1309 (ANDA), Indonesia, Sumatera Barat, Bukit Barisan, north of Bukittinggi, 13 July 2000. | |||||||
Citation: Clarke, Davis & Tamin 1309 (ANDA), Indonesia, Sumatera Barat, Bukit Barisan, north of Bukittinggi, 13 July 2000. |