Nepenthes chaniana

Nepenthes chaniana


Nepenthes chaniana C.Clarke, Chi.C.Lee & S.McPherson in Sabah Parks Nature J. 7: 56 (54, 57-61; figs. 1-3). 2006 [The specific epithet honours Datu Chan Chew Lun who assisted with the publication of several studies of Nepenthes and other works on the diversity of wildlife in Borneo.C]. sec. Clarke & al. 2006 wfo-0000507677
      Holotype (designated by IPNI 1999+: (accessed 13 Aug 2018)1): Malaysia, Bt Lawi, Bario, alt. 1600 m, 24 Aug 1995, Awa & Lee S 50980 (K)
  • 1. IPNI 1999+: Name Records


A vine of up to 8 m in lenght taht trails or scrambles through the upper branches of surronding trees and shrubs.
The lamina is oblong to elliptic, up to 30 cm long and 10 cm wide. The apex of the leaf may be obtuse to truncate, and is occasionally acuminate. The base of the lamina is obtuse or attenuate and petiolate. The petiole is up to 8 cm long and is winged or, especially in young plants, canaliculate. The base of the petiole clasps the stem and forms a sheath. In young plants, the leaf blade is short, expanding rapidly from the narrow petiole towards the abruptly truncated and emarginated apex and may appear heart shaped. The stem and leaf blade of N. chaniana is pure green whereas the midrib and tendril are usually yellow. The tendril is generally short, especially in the upper pitchers. All parts of the foliage of N. chaniana are densely covered with soft, white, yellow or golden hairs up to 7 mm in length. The hairs are especially long and conspicuous on the tendril and are relatively short and sparse on the upper surface of the lamina.
The lower pitchers are produced only briefly in the life cycle of this species, and generally only by seedlings and young plants prior to the production of a climbing stem. The lower traps are up to 15 cm tall and 4 cm wide, but are usually much smaller than this. The lower half of the pitcher is infundibular, ovate or cylindrical and variably swollen. The width of the trap narrows slightly above this part, becoming cylindrical or very slightly infundibular towards the pitcher opening. Wings up to 8 mm wide run down the front of the pitcher and are sparsely fringed with narrow filaments up to 7 mm long. The peristome is cylindrical, up to 4 mm wide, and lined with very fine ribs up to 0.3 mm high, spaced up to 0.3 mm apart. The peristome varies little in width around the margin of the pitcher opening, and a narrow gap up to 3 mm wide is usually present immediately below the lid. The lid is orbicular or elliptic and up to 4 cm long and 4 cm wide. A narrow, hook-shaped appendage, up to 1 cm long is present on the underside of the lid, close to the top of the peristome. The spur is unbranched and up to 3 mm long, although often greatly reduced.
The lower pitchers are usually a pure yellow-green, although elongated red blotches are occasionally present on the exterior and interior of the trap and on the lid.
The upper pitchers are up to 30 cm tall and 7 cm wide. The bottom half of the trap is narrowly infundibular, and laterally compressed, especially in mature plants. Above this part, the pitcher is broadly infundibular, particularly towards the pitcher opening. The peristome is up to 1 cm wide, and is lined with very fine ribs up to 0.3 mm high, spaced up to 0.3 mm apart. The peristome is often raised to a small point at the front, such that the pitcher opening takes on an inverted heart shape, and is variably flattened and expanded towards the sides and back. Wings are reduced to narrow ridges which run down the flattened front of the upper pitchers. The lid is ovate or elliptic, up to 8 cm long and 6 cm wide, with an appendage that is identical in shape to those of lower pitchers, but up to 1.5 cm long. All other characteristics, including colouration, are consistent with the lower pitchers.
The inflorescence is a raceme, to 55 cm long. The peduncle is approximately 20 cm long and the rachis to 30 cm long. Flowers are borne on 2-flowered partial peduncles, to c. 2 mm long, with pedicels usually less than 10 mm long. Tepals are oblong, 5-6 mm by 3 mm, and the anther head is borne on a smooth column up to 3 mm long. Fruits are up to 34 mm long.A


Although apparently digitised, at present the original publication of this taxon is not openly available on-line (accessed 5 Aug 2018).B


Does not appear to be currently threatened in the wild.A

Distribution (General)

Borneo, Sabah, Sarawak and ?Kalimantan.A


Terrestrially or as an epiphyte on humid, mossy ridge tops and mountain summits, usually amidst tall, sparse, lower or upper montane vegetation and often in relatively shaded situations; 1100-1800 m a.s.l.A


A. McPherson, S. R. 2009: Pitcher Plants of the Old World 1. – Poole: Redfern Natural History Productions
B. Berendsohn, W. G. & al. 2018: Using the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy to prepare and publish a treatment for the Caryophyllales Network: an online synthesis of the Nepenthaceae. – Willdenowia 48: 335-344.


CountryDateCollector + collecting numberHerbariaTypeScanDerivatives
Malaysia24 Aug 1995Awa & Lee S 50980K
Citation: Malaysia, Bt Lawi, Bario, alt. 1600 m, 24 Aug 1995, Awa & Lee S 50980

Specimen summary: K
Holotype of Nepenthes chaniana C.Clarke, Chi.C.Lee & S.McPherson