(Indonesia, Borneo, East Kalimantan, Berau Regency, Mount Nyapa (formaerly Njapa), along the Kelai River, 1000 m altitude, 25. 10. 1963, Kostermans 21495 (holotype, L) & Kostermans 21495 Sheets I & II (isotypes; K))

Preserved Specimen
Type designations
 (designated by Robinson, A.S., Nerz, J. & Wistuba, A. 20111) of Nepenthes epiphytica A.S.Rob., Nerz & Wistuba;

Derivation tree

  • Indonesia
    • Indonesia, Borneo, East Kalimantan, Berau Regency, Mount Nyapa (formaerly Njapa), along the Kelai River, 1000 m altitude, 25. 10. 1963, Kostermans 21495 (holotype, L) & Kostermans 21495 Sheets I & II (isotypes; K)
1. Robinson, A.S., Nerz, J. & Wistuba, A. 2011: Nepenthes epiphytica, a new pitcher plant from East Kalimantan, pp. 36-51. – In: McPherson, S. R., New Nepenthes 1. – Poole: Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole