Nepenthes gymnamphora

Nepenthes gymnamphora


Nepenthes gymnamphora Reinw. ex Nees in Ann. Sci. Nat. 3: 366, f. 1, t. 19 & 20. 1824 sec. Cheek & Jebb 2001 wfo-0000381920
  • Nepenthes melamphora Reinw. ex Blume, Cat. Gew. Buitenzorg: 111. 1823, nom. nud. syn. sec. Cheek & Jebb 2001: wfo-0000381515
  • =Nepenthes gymnamphora var. haematamphora Miq., Pl. Jungh.: 169. 1852 syn. sec. Cheek & Jebb 2001 wfo-00013025581
  • Nepenthes melamphora var. haematamphora (Miq.) Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(1): 1073. 1858 syn. sec. Cheek & Jebb 2001 wfo-0001302582
  • 1. Type: Junghuhn (n.v.) Java, Mts Patuha & Merapi
  • =Nepenthes melamphora var. lucida Blume in Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 8. 1852 syn. sec. Cheek & Jebb 2001 wfo-00013025002
  • 2. Type: Borneo, Muller
  • =Nepenthes melamphora var. pubescens Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 562. 1891 syn. sec. Cheek & Jebb 2001 wfo-00013025833
  • 3. Type: (not located) Java, Gede

Other sources

Nepenthes melamphora var. lucida Blume: Beccari, O. 1886: Malesia 3. – Firence, Roma: Fratelli Bencini. p 5 (as Nepenthes melamphora var. lucida Blume)
Nepenthes melamphora var. lucida Blume: Beck von Mannagetta und Lerchenau, G. 1895: Die Gattung Nepenthes. – Wiener Ill. Gart.-Zeitung 20: 96-107, 141-150, 182-192, 217-229. p 186 (as Nepenthes melamphora var. lucida Blume)
Jebb, M. H. P. & Cheek, M. R. 1997: A skeletal revision of Nepenthes. – Blumea 42(1): 1-106. p 45
Blume, C. L. 1827: Enumeratio plantarum Javae et insularum adjacentium : minus cognitarum vel novarum ex herbariis Reinwardtii, Kuhlii, Hasseltii et Blumii. – Leiden: van Leeuven. p 85
Nepenthes gymnamphora var. haematamphora Miq.: Macfarlane, J. M. 1908: pp. 1-92. – In: Engler, A., Pflanzenreich IV. 111 (Heft 36). p 57 (as Nepenthes gymnamphora var. haematamphora Miq.)
Korthals, P. W. 1840: Over het geslacht Nepenthes. – erhandelingen over de Naturlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Overzeesche Bezittingen . . . Botanie 19: 1-42, t. 2-4. 32, t. 3 & 4: 55-70
partim (Danser, B. H. 1928: – Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, sér. 3, 9. p 300)
Nepenthes melamphora Reinw. ex Blume: Blume, C. L. 1852: – Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2. p 8 (as Nepenthes melamphora Reinw. ex Blume)
Nepenthes gymnamphora var. haematamphora Miq.: Beck von Mannagetta und Lerchenau, G. 1895: Die Gattung Nepenthes. – Wiener Ill. Gart.-Zeitung 20: 96-107, 141-150, 182-192, 217-229. p 186 (as Nepenthes gymnamphora var. haematamphora Miq.)


Terrestrial climber to 15(-40) m tall. Stems terete, rarely slightly angular, those of climbing stems 4-7(-8) mm diam., internodes 1.5-10 cm long, axillary buds inconspicuous. Leaves thinly coriaceous, sessile or subpetiolate; rosette leaves usually highly reduced, narrowly oblong to oblanceolate-elliptic, 3-5 by 1-1.2 cm, apex acute, base sessile, clasping the stem for 1/2 its circumference, rarely the rosette leaves larger, 8.5-12 by 2.5-3.7 cm; short and climbing stem leaves narrowly elliptic, (10-)23-26 (-30) cm long, apex acute, base attenuate, (5-)7-12 mm wide, usually with a petiole-like part 4-5 cm long. Longitudinal nerves 3 or 4 on each side of the midrib in the outer 3/4, fairly conspicuous above. Pennate nerves oblique, highly branched, inconspicuous. Lower pitchers ellipsoid, the mouth occupying the upper 1/3-1/4, (3-)6-11.5 by (2.2-)4-4.5 cm, with two fringed wings 5-7 mm broad, fringed elements 3-5 mm long, c. 1 mm apart; mouth oblique, concave, raised at the rear into a short vertical column; peristome flattened, 6-7(-9) mm wide in the rear half of the mouth, 2-3 mm wide in the front half, ribs 0.5 mm apart, c. 0.1 mm high, the outer edge entire, the inner with curved teeth, 1-2(-3) mm long in the rear half of the mouth, absent in the front half; lid ovate, 3-4 by 2-3 cm, apex rounded, base cordate, lower surface lacking ap-pendages but with a raised midrib, nectar glands circular, bordered, 0.3 mm long, confined to the midline or widely scattered, the midline often with larger, elliptic glands 0.6 mm long; spur filiform, 4-5 mm long, entire. Upper pitchers subcylindrical, 6-10(-19) by 1.7-2.8(-4.5) cm, slightly inflated in the lower 1/3, rarely slightly infundibular, usually with two fringed wings 0.5-2 mm wide, fringed elements c. 4 mm long, 1 mm apart; mouth slightly oblique, concave; peristome subcylindrical, 1.5-2 mm wide, ribs 0.5 mm apart, outer edge entire, inner with teeth inconspicuous; lid elliptic or ovate, rarely orbicular, 2-2.5(-4.5) by 1.2-1.4(-5) cm, apex rounded, base cordate, lower surface often with a raised keel c. 1 mm long, at the base of the midline, nectar glands and spur as the lower pitchers. Male inflorescence 35-50 by 4 cm; peduncle 20-24 cm long, 3-4 mm diam. at base; partial peduncles 2-flowered, c. 70, 2-5 mm long; bracts absent or occasional; pedicels 3-5 mm long; tepals elliptic, 4-6 by 2-3.2 mm; androphore 3.5-4 mm long; anther head 1.5-2 by 2 mm. Infructescence c. 30 by 5 cm; peduncle c. 19 cm long, 4 mm diam. at base; partial peduncles c. 40; fruits with valves 13 by 3 mm. Seeds filiform, 6-15 mm long. Indumentum of sessile glands c. 0.1 mm diam. on stems, lower surface of the leaf blade and outer surface of pitchers; patent simple pale brown or white hairs 0.1-0.3 mm long on very young stems, densely on leaf edges, sparsely on the lower midrib, and upper pitchers including spur, dense to sparse on lower pitchers; inflorescence from peduncle base to lower surface of the tepals pubescent with brown, inclined, simple hairs 0.5-0.6 mm long, androphore minutely puberulent. Colour of pitchers reddish green to purple.A


Nepenthes gymnamphora is the only Javanese montane species of the genus. It is most similar to N. pectinata of C Sumatra. Nepenthes pectinata is distinguished from N. gymnamphora by several characters; in overall architecture it differs in that the upper leaves rarely produce pitchers; the upper leaves are more gradually attenuated to their bases, with broadly winged and scarcely discernible petioles and are decurrent as wings for several cm on the stem, unlike the shortly amplexicaul base of leaves of N. gymnamphora; the pitchers have a more rounded, urceolate form, with a narrow mouth, and the peristome drawn out into a longer neck; N. pectinata usually has a denser indumentum, and the inner peristome margin has larger teeth than that of N. gymnamphora.A

Distribution (General)

W and C Java (one apparent record from Borneo, see Jebb & Cheek 1997: 92).A


Forest; 1000-2750 m.A


A. Cheek, M. R. & Jebb, M. H. P. 2001: Flora Malesiana - Nepenthaceae, Series I, Volume 15. – Leiden: Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Universiteit Leiden branch
