Rhinephyllum comptonii

Primary tabs

Rhinephyllum comptonii

Rhinephyllum comptonii L.Bolus in S. African Gard. 18: 370. 1928 sec. Hartmann 20171 wfo-0001293840
    • 1. Hartmann, H. E. K. 2017 – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer
    • Rhinephyllum comptonii var. glandulis L.Bolus in S. African Gard. 18: 371. 1928, nom. nud. syn. sec. Hartmann 20173 wfo-00014361052
    • 2. in sched. - in publication description without name, 3. Hartmann, H. E. K. 2017 – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer
