Mcneillia pseudosaxifraga

Primary tabs

Mcneillia pseudosaxifraga

Mcneillia pseudosaxifraga (Mattf.) Dillenb. & Kadereit in Taxon 63(1): 84. 2014 sec. De Luca & al. 20221
  • Minuartia stellata subsp. pseudosaxifraga Mattf. in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 15: 136. 1922 syn. sec. De Luca & al. 20221
  • Minuartia pseudosaxifraga (Mattf.) Greuter & Raus in Willdenowia 12: 188. 1982 syn. sec. De Luca & al. 20221
    • Lectotype (designated by Conti & Del Guacchio 2022: [12]2): [Greece,] “In rupestr. alp. [=on the rocky alpine places of] m. Papingon et Gamila, distr. Zagorion (Vradeton)”, 13 Jul 1896, A. Baldacci Iter Albanicum (Epiroticum) IV n. 161 ([Greece,] “In rupestr. alp. [=on the rocky alpine places of] m. Papingon et Gamila, distr. Zagorion (Vradeton)”, 13 Jul 1896, A. Baldacci Iter Albanicum (Epiroticum) IV n. 161 (G: G00226886, isolectotypes BR 000000695411, G: G00226876 , K: K000568026, WU: WU0074783 WU0074784, Herbarium Halácsy)); Lectotype (designated by McNeill 1963: 3413): [Greece] “m. Papingon et Gamila, Cepelovon Vradeton distr. Zagorion”, 13 Jul 1896, A. Baldacci Iter Albanicum (Epiroticum) IV n. 161 (B, destroyed)
  • 1. De Luca, D., Del Guacchio, E., Conti, F., Iamonico, D. & Caputo, P. 2022: Relationships within Mcneillia indicate a complex evolutionary history and reveal a new species of Minuartiella (Caryophyllaceae, Alsinoideae). – Plants 11(16): 2118.., 2. Conti, F. & Del Guacchio, E. 2022: – Plants 11(16): 2118, 3. McNeill, J. 1963: Taxonomic studies in the Alsinoideae II. A revision of the species in the Orient. – Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 24(3): 241-404


See de Luca et al. (2022) for a detailed discussion of the typification.

Distribution (General)

Endemic to NW Greece (North Pindhos) and Albania (Mt. Nemercka).A


A. De Luca, D., Del Guacchio, E., Conti, F., Iamonico, D. & Caputo, P. 2022: Relationships within Mcneillia indicate a complex evolutionary history and reveal a new species of Minuartiella (Caryophyllaceae, Alsinoideae). – Plants 11(16): 2118.