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Augustea Iamonico in Phytotaxa 236(1): 72. 2015 sec. Iamonico 20151
      Type: Augustea suffruticosa (Griseb.) Iamonico
  • =Polycarpon sect. Monostigma Hassl. in Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 7: 12. 1907 syn. sec. Iamonico 20152
    • Type: Polycarpon anomalum Hassl.

Distribution (General)

Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, ParaguayA,B


Shrubs (chamaephytes/nanophanerophytes) up to 50 cm tall. Stem woody at the base, branched, branches glabrous or minutely pulverulent, ridged. Leaves often in whorls of 4 or in whorls of 4 (rarely 6) shortly petiolate or sessile, blade lanceolate (apex acute, base cuneate) or obovate to orbicular (apex rounded to obtuse, base obtuse), usually glabrous (pulverulent when young). Inflorescence terminal and dichotomous cymes, 2−6-branched. Flowers subsessile; sepals 5, ovate-orbicular, obtuse or acute, 1−3-nerved, keeled, hyaline on margins; petals 5, oblong to obovate, obtuse, shorter than the sepals, white; stamens 3−5, perigynous; style 1, stigmas 1−3. Fruits (capsule) ovoid, longer than the calyx, opening by non-involute valves; seeds 3−35, lunate-fusiform, surface nearly smooth, brown.B


Dedicated to August Grisebach, the German botanist who first described one of the three [now four] members of the new genus (A. suffruticosa).B


Revised by Duilio Iamonico


Iamonico, D. 2022+: Agrostemma, Augustea, Engellaria, Habrosia, Pteranthus, Polycarpon, Scleranthus. - Published online at


A. Iamonico, D. & Montesinos, D. 2017: Augustea moreirana comb. nov. (Caryophyllaceae), an endemic species from Chile. – Phytotaxa 327(3): 299-300.
B. Iamonico, D. 2015: Augustea (Polycarpaeae, Caryophyllaceae), a new genus from South America. – Phytotaxa 236(1): 71-78.