
Primary tabs


Pisoniella (Heimerl) Standl. in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 13: 385. 1911 sec. Bittrich & Kühn 19931
  • Pisonia sect. Pisoniella Heimerl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(1b): 29. 1889 syn. sec. Bittrich & Kühn 19931
    • Type: Pisoniella arborescens (Lag. & Rodr.) Standl.
  • 1. Bittrich, V. & Kühn, U. 1993: Nyctaginaceae, 473 – 485. – In: Kubitzki, K., Rohwer, J.G. & Bittrich, V. (ed.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 2. – Berlin, Heidelberg & New York: Springer
