
Primary tabs


Boerhavia L., Sp. Pl.: 3. 1753 sec. Bittrich & Kühn 19931
      Type: Boerhavia erecta L.
  • 1. Bittrich, V. & Kühn, U. 1993: Nyctaginaceae, 473 – 485. – In: Kubitzki, K., Rohwer, J.G. & Bittrich, V. (ed.), The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 2. – Berlin, Heidelberg & New York: Springer
  • =Axia Lour., Fl. Cochinch.: 35. 1790 syn. sec. Kew 20192
  • 2. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens
  • =Dantia Lippert ex Choisy, Prodr. 13(2): 449. 1849 syn. sec. Kew 20193
  • 3. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens


Boerhavia with c. 40 species is distributed in the warm temperate and tropical regions worldwide (Spellenberg 2003) and has been recognized as a natural group by Douglas and Manos (2007). Several authors (Fay 1980; Spellenberg 2001, 2003) have highlighted that at the species level this is a taxonomically difficult group due to morphological variation. Especially among annuals of the Sonoran desert and the pantropical B. diffusa Vahl and B. coccinea Mill. complex (Spellenberg 2001, 2003), apparently factors such as wide dispersal, hybridization, and autogamy have contributed to that variation (Fay 1980; Spellenberg 2001, 2003). The genus is in need of a critical revision.A,B,C,D,E


A. Douglas, N. A. & Manos, P. S. 2007: Molecular phylogeny of Nyctaginaceae: taxonomy, biogeography, and characters associated with a radiation of xerophytic genera in North America. – American Journal of Botany 94: 856-872.
B. Fay, J. J. 1980: Nyctaginaceae, 1 – 54. – In: Flora de Veracruz 13, Gómez-Pompa, A., 13. – Xalapa: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones sobre Recursos Bióticos
C. Hernández-Ledesma, P., Berendsohn, W. G., Borsch, T., von Mering, S., Akhani, H., Arias, S., Castañeda-Noa, I., Eggli, U., Eriksson, R., Flores-Olvera, H., Fuentes-Bazán, S., Kadereit, G., Klak, C., Korotkova, N., Nyffeler, R., Ocampo, G. & Ochoterena, H. 2015: A taxonomic backbone for the global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales. – Willdenowia 45(3): 281-383.
D. Spellenberg, R. 2001: Nyctaginaceae, pp. 1-98. – In: Flora del Bajio y de regiones adyacentes 93. – Pátzcuaro: Instituto de Ecología A. C. Centro Regional del Bajío
E. Spellenberg, R. 2003: Nyctaginaceae, pp. 14–74. – In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee, Flora of North America north of Mexico 4. – New York: Oxford University Press