Disocactus ×hybridus

Primary tabs

Disocactus ×hybridus

Disocactus ×hybridus (Van Geel) Barthlott in Bradleya 9: 88. 1991 sec. Barthlott 19911 wfo-0000652224
  • Cactus hybridus Van Geel, Sertum Bot. 4: t. 118. 1832 syn. sec. Barthlott 19911 wfo-0000577912
  • 1. Barthlott, W. 1991: Disocactus, Lepismium and Pseudorhipsalis. – Bradleya 9: 81-92
  • =×Heliochia vandesii G.D.Rowley in Backeberg, Cactaceae 6: 3551. 1962 syn. sec. Barthlott 19912 wfo-0001430005
  • 2. Barthlott, W. 1991: Disocactus, Lepismium and Pseudorhipsalis. – Bradleya 9: 81-92


According to P.V. Heath (Taxon 38: 124-128.1989) Cactus hybridus Géel is the earliest name validly published at specific rank for the hybrid between D. (Heliocereus) speciosus and D. (Nopalxochia phyllanthoides. This popular plant is commonly known as Phyllocactus (Epiphyllum) ackermannii Hort. (formally known botanically as × Heliochia vandesii Rowley).A


A. Barthlott, W. 1991: Disocactus, Lepismium and Pseudorhipsalis. – Bradleya 9: 81-92. p 88