Mesembryanthemum ligneum

Primary tabs

Mesembryanthemum ligneum

Mesembryanthemum ligneum (L.Bolus) Klak in Taxon 56: 751. 2007 sec. Klak & Bruyns 20131 wfo-0000507618
  • Aridaria lignea L.Bolus, Notes Mesembryanthemum 2: 50. 1929 syn. sec. Gerbaulet 20172 wfo-0000547358
  • Nycteranthus ligneus (L.Bolus) Schwantes in Kakteen And. Sukk. 3: 50. 1952, nom. illeg. syn. sec. Gerbaulet 20172 wfo-0001435975
  • Sphalmanthus ligneus (L.Bolus) L.Bolus in Jacobsen, Sukkulent. Lex.: 512. 1970, nom. inval. syn. sec. Gerbaulet 20172 wfo-0001294293
  • 1. Klak, C. & Bruyns, P. V. 2013: A new infrageneric classification for Mesembryanthemum (Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthemoideae). – Bothalia 43(2): 197-206, 2. Gerbaulet, M. 2017: Phyllobolus, pp. 963-990. – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer
  • =Mesembryanthemum melanospermum Dinter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 19: 133. 1923, nom. illeg. syn. sec. Gerbaulet 20173 wfo-0000370124
  • Sphalmanthus melanospermus Dinter & Schwantes in Gartenwelt 33: 69. 1929 syn. sec. Gerbaulet 20173 wfo-0000433242
  • Phyllobolus melanospermus (Dinter & Schwantes) Gerbaulet in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 119: 179. 1997 syn. sec. Kew WCVP (2019)4 wfo-0000392991
  • Aridaria dinteri L.Bolus, Notes Mesembryanthemum 3: 298. 1958, nom. illeg. syn. sec. Gerbaulet 20173 wfo-0000547323
  • Nycteranthus dinteri (L.Bolus) Schwantes, Handb. Succ. Pl. 3: 1316. 1960, nom. illeg. syn. sec. Gerbaulet 20173 wfo-0000379931
  • Sphalmanthus dinteri (L.Bolus) L.Bolus in Jacobsen, Sukkulent. Lex.: 512. 1970, nom. inval. syn. sec. Gerbaulet 20173 wfo-0001294271
  • 3. Gerbaulet, M. 2017: Phyllobolus, pp. 963-990. – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer, 4. Kew WCVP (2019)



Phyllobolus melanospermus (Dinter & Schwantes) Gerbaulet: Gerbaulet, M. 2017: Phyllobolus, pp. 963-990. – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer. p 973 (as Phyllobolus melanospermus (Dinter & Schwantes) Gerbaulet)