Mesembryanthemum longistylum

Primary tabs

Mesembryanthemum longistylum

Mesembryanthemum longistylum DC., Pl. Hist. Succ.: t. 147. 1804 sec. Klak & al. 20141 wfo-0000370201
  • Aridaria longistyla (DC.) Schwantes in Gartenflora 77: 69. 1928 syn. sec. Klak & al. 20141 wfo-0000547362
  • Nycteranthus longistylus (DC.) Schwantes in Kakteen And. Sukk. 3: 50. 1952, nom. illeg. syn. sec. Klak & al. 20141 wfo-0001435977
  • Volkeranthus longistylus (DC.) Gerbaulet in Bradleya 30: 196. 2012 syn. sec. Klak & al. 20141 wfo-0001436289
  • Mesembryanthemum longistylum Eckl. & Zeyh., Enum. Pl. Afric. Austral. 3: 315. 1837, nom. inval. syn. sec. Berendsohn 20233 wfo-00003701812
  • 1. Klak, C., Hanáček, P. & Bruyns, P. V. 2014: Phylogeny and taxonomy for Mesembryanthemum subg. Volkeranthus (Aizoaceae-Mesembryanthemoideae). – South African Journal of Botany 95: 112-122., 2. later citation of DC., no new species intended, 3. Berendsohn, W. G. 2023: Revisions
  • =Mesembryanthemum pallens Sol., Pl. Hort. Schoenbr. 3: t. 279. 1798, nom. illeg. syn. sec. Klak & al. 20144 wfo-0000370838
  • 4. Klak, C., Hanáček, P. & Bruyns, P. V. 2014: Phylogeny and taxonomy for Mesembryanthemum subg. Volkeranthus (Aizoaceae-Mesembryanthemoideae). – South African Journal of Botany 95: 112-122.
  • =Mesembryanthemum hesperanthum L.Bolus in Ann. Bolus Herb. 1: 190. 1915, nom. illeg. syn. sec. Klak & al. 20145 wfo-0000370404
  • Mesembryanthemum vigilans L.Bolus in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 45: 121. 1920 syn. sec. Klak & al. 20145 wfo-0000370652
  • Nycteranthus vigilans (L.Bolus) Schwantes, Handb. Succ. Pl. 3: 1326. 1960 syn. sec. Klak & al. 20145 wfo-0000379943
  • Aridaria hesperantha (L.Bolus) N.E.Br. in J. Bot. 66: 142. 1928, nom. superfl. syn. sec. Klak & al. 20145 wfo-0000547347
  • Sphalmanthus vigilans (L.Bolus) L.Bolus in Jacobsen, Sukkulent. Lex.: 515. 1970, nom. inval. syn. sec. Klak & al. 20145 wfo-0001294349
  • 5. Klak, C., Hanáček, P. & Bruyns, P. V. 2014: Phylogeny and taxonomy for Mesembryanthemum subg. Volkeranthus (Aizoaceae-Mesembryanthemoideae). – South African Journal of Botany 95: 112-122.
  • =Cryophytum neglectum N.E.Br. in Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 84: 212. 1928 syn. sec. Klak & al. 20146 wfo-0000627110
  • 6. Klak, C., Hanáček, P. & Bruyns, P. V. 2014: Phylogeny and taxonomy for Mesembryanthemum subg. Volkeranthus (Aizoaceae-Mesembryanthemoideae). – South African Journal of Botany 95: 112-122.
  • =Cryophytum intermedium L.Bolus, Notes Mesembryanthemum 2: 53. 1929 syn. sec. Klak & al. 20147 wfo-0000627100
  • Mesembryanthemum cryocalyx L.Bolus, Notes Mesembryanthemum 3: 167. 1939 syn. sec. Klak & al. 20147 wfo-0001293600
  • 7. Klak, C., Hanáček, P. & Bruyns, P. V. 2014: Phylogeny and taxonomy for Mesembryanthemum subg. Volkeranthus (Aizoaceae-Mesembryanthemoideae). – South African Journal of Botany 95: 112-122.
  • =Cryophytum lineare L.Bolus, Notes Mesembryanthemum 2: 165. 1930 syn. sec. Klak & al. 20148 wfo-0000627104
  • Mesembryanthemum linearifolium L.Bolus, Notes Mesembryanthemum 3: 167. 1939 syn. sec. Klak & al. 20148 wfo-0001293612
  • 8. Klak, C., Hanáček, P. & Bruyns, P. V. 2014: Phylogeny and taxonomy for Mesembryanthemum subg. Volkeranthus (Aizoaceae-Mesembryanthemoideae). – South African Journal of Botany 95: 112-122.



Gerbaulet, M. 2017: Volkeranthus. – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer. p 1292