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Zaleya Burm.f., Fl. Ind.: 110. 1768 sec. Hartmann 20171 wfo-4000041128
  • Trianthema sect. Zaleya (Burman) DC., Prodr. 3: 352. 1828 syn. sec. Hartmann 20171 wfo-3400012227
    • Type: Zaleya decandra (L.) Burm.f.
  • 1. Hartmann, H. E. K. 2017 – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer
  • =Rocama Forssk., Fl. Aegypt.-Arab.: 71. 1775 syn. sec. Hartmann 20172 wfo-4000033359
    • Type: Rocama prostrata Forssk.
  • 2. Hartmann, H. E. K. 2017 – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer
  • =Zallia Roxb., Fl. Ind., ed. 1832, 3: 74. 1832, nom. superfl. syn. sec. Hartmann 20174 wfo-40000491963
  • 3. orth. var., 4. Hartmann, H. E. K. 2017 – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer


The genus is monophyletic and belongs to Sesuvioideae where it is sister to Sesuvium (Bohley & al. 2015). Zaleya is a C4 genus and distributed in East Africa, southern Asia and Australia. It contains seven spp. (Hartmann 2011b).A,B,C


A. Bohley, K., Joos, O., Hartmann, H. E. K., Sage, R. F., Liede-Schumann, S. & Kadereit, G. 2015: Phylogeny of Sesuvioideae (Aizoaceae) – biogeography, leaf anatomy and the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. – Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 17: 116 – 130.
B. Hartmann, H. E. K., Meve, U. & Liede-Schumann, S. 2011: Towards a revision of Trianthema, the Cinderella of Aizoaceae. – Plant Ecology and Evolution 144: 177 – 213.
C. Hernández-Ledesma, P., Berendsohn, W. G., Borsch, T., von Mering, S., Akhani, H., Arias, S., Castañeda-Noa, I., Eggli, U., Eriksson, R., Flores-Olvera, H., Fuentes-Bazán, S., Kadereit, G., Klak, C., Korotkova, N., Nyffeler, R., Ocampo, G. & Ochoterena, H. 2015: A taxonomic backbone for the global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales. – Willdenowia 45(3): 281-383.