Delosperma subg. Euryphyllum

Primary tabs

Delosperma subg. Euryphyllum

Delosperma subg. Euryphyllum L.Bolus sec. Hartmann 20171 wfo-3500004089
      Type: Delosperma tradescantioides (A.Berger) L.Bolus
  • 1. Hartmann, H. E. K. 2017 – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer
  • =Delosperma sect. Planifolia Lavis in J. S. African Bot. 35: 147. 1969 syn. sec. Hartmann 20172 wfo-3400012154
    • Type: Delosperma tradescantioides (A.Berger) L.Bolus
  • 2. Hartmann, H. E. K. 2017 – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer
