Tribulocarpus dimorphanthus

Primary tabs

Tribulocarpus dimorphanthus

Tribulocarpus dimorphanthus (Pax) S.Moore in J. Bot. 59: 228. 1921 sec. Thulin & al. 20121 wfo-0001293011
  • Tetragonia dimorphantha Pax in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 10: 12. 1888 syn. sec. Thulin & al. 20121 wfo-0001038791
  • 1. Thulin, M., Thiede & Liede-Schumann, S. 2012: Phylogeny and taxonomy of Tribulocarpus (Aizoaceae): A paraphyletic species and an adaptive shift from zoochorous trample burrs to anemochorous nuts. – Taxon 61(1): 55-66
  • =Tetragonia somalensis Engl. in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 48: 502. 1912 syn. sec. Thulin & al. 20122 wfo-0000410360
  • 2. Thulin, M., Thiede & Liede-Schumann, S. 2012: Phylogeny and taxonomy of Tribulocarpus (Aizoaceae): A paraphyletic species and an adaptive shift from zoochorous trample burrs to anemochorous nuts. – Taxon 61(1): 55-66
