
Primary tabs


Dysphania R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 411. 1810 sec. Uotila & al. 20211 wfo-4000012841
      Type: Dysphania littoralis R.Br. [fide Uotila & al. 20212]
  • 1. Uotila, P., Sukhorukov, A. P., Bobon, N., McDonald, J., Krinitsina, A. A. & Kadereit, G. 2021: Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of Dysphanieae (Amaranthaceae). – Taxon, 2. Uotila, P., Sukhorukov, A. P., Bobon, N., McDonald, J., Krinitsina, A. A. & Kadereit, G. 2021: Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of Dysphanieae (Amaranthaceae). – Taxon
  • =Cyclolepis Moq. in Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 2 1: 203. 1834, nom. illeg. syn. sec. Uotila & al. 20213
  • Cycloloma Moq., Chenop. Monogr. Enum.: 17. 1840 syn. sec. Uotila & al. 20213 wfo-4000010267
    • Type: "<i>Сycloloma platyphyllum</i> (Michx.) Moq. (= <i>C. atriplicifolium</i> (Spreng.) J.M.Coult. ≡ <i>Dysphania atriplicifolia</i> comb. nov.)" [fide Uotila & al. 20214]; Type: Cycloloma platyphyllum (Michx.) Moq., nom. illeg.
  • 3. Uotila, P., Sukhorukov, A. P., Bobon, N., McDonald, J., Krinitsina, A. A. & Kadereit, G. 2021: Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of Dysphanieae (Amaranthaceae). – Taxon, 4. Uotila, P., Sukhorukov, A. P., Bobon, N., McDonald, J., Krinitsina, A. A. & Kadereit, G. 2021: Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of Dysphanieae (Amaranthaceae). – Taxon
  • =Roubieva Moq. in Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 2, 1: 292. 1834 syn. sec. Uotila & al. 20215
  • Ambrina Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. 5: 295. 1836, nom. illeg. syn. sec. Uotila & al. 202156
    • Type: "<i>Roubieva multifida</i> (L.) Moq. (≡ <i>Dysphania multifida</i> (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants)" [fide Uotila & al. 20217]
  • 5. Uotila, P., Sukhorukov, A. P., Bobon, N., McDonald, J., Krinitsina, A. A. & Kadereit, G. 2021: Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of Dysphanieae (Amaranthaceae). – Taxon, 6. nom. superfl., 7. Uotila, P., Sukhorukov, A. P., Bobon, N., McDonald, J., Krinitsina, A. A. & Kadereit, G. 2021: Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of Dysphanieae (Amaranthaceae). – Taxon
  • =Botrydium Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. 5: 298. 1836, nom. illeg. syn. sec. Uotila & al. 202198
  • Neobotrydium Moldenke in Amer. Midl. Naturalist 35: 330. 1946 syn. sec. Uotila & al. 20219
    • Type: "<i>Neobotrydium botrys</i> (L.) Moldenke (≡ <i>Dysphania botrys</i> (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants)" [fide Uotila & al. 202110]
  • 8. non Wallr. 1815, 9. Uotila, P., Sukhorukov, A. P., Bobon, N., McDonald, J., Krinitsina, A. A. & Kadereit, G. 2021: Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of Dysphanieae (Amaranthaceae). – Taxon, 10. Uotila, P., Sukhorukov, A. P., Bobon, N., McDonald, J., Krinitsina, A. A. & Kadereit, G. 2021: Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of Dysphanieae (Amaranthaceae). – Taxon
  • =Orthospermum Opiz, Seznam: 70. 1852, nom. illeg. syn. sec. ???11
  • 11. nom. superfl. for Orthosporum (R. Brown) T. Nees (1835)
  • =Meiomeria Standl., N. Amer. Fl. 21(1): 7. 1916 syn. sec. Uotila & al. 202112
    • Type: "Meiomeria stellata Standl. (≡ <i>Dysphania stellata</i> (Standl.) Mosyakin & Clemants)" [fide Uotila & al. 202113]
  • 12. Uotila, P., Sukhorukov, A. P., Bobon, N., McDonald, J., Krinitsina, A. A. & Kadereit, G. 2021: Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of Dysphanieae (Amaranthaceae). – Taxon, 13. Uotila, P., Sukhorukov, A. P., Bobon, N., McDonald, J., Krinitsina, A. A. & Kadereit, G. 2021: Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of Dysphanieae (Amaranthaceae). – Taxon


The widespread genus Dysphania comprises c. 50 species native mostly to South America (sect. Adenois), Eurasia and Africa (sect. Botryoides), and Australia (sect. Dysphania, sect. Orthospora, and sect. Tetrasepalae). Traditionally, only native Australian taxa were included in Dysphania (Scott 1978; Wilson 1983, 1984); later an expanded circumscription of the genus was proposed (Mosyakin & Clemants 2002, 2008) based on morphological evidence. Further molecular phylogenetic studies (Kadereit & al. 2003, 2010; Fuentes-Bazán & al. 2012a-b) demonstrated that Dysphania is phylogenetically distant from Chenopodium and forms the tribe Dysphanieae together with the closely related Suckleya and Teloxys. The latter was included into Dysphania based on morphology (Mosyakin & Clemants 2002, 2008; Clemants & Mosyakin 2003; Zhu & al. 2003) but should be recognized as a separate genus based on molecular results (Kadereit & al. 2010; Fuentes-Bazán & al. 2012a-b).A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L


A. Clemants, S. E. & Mosyakin, S. L. 2003: Dysphania, Chenopodium, 267 – 299. – In: Flora of North America north of Mexico 4. – New York: Oxford University Press
B. Fuentes-Bazan, S., Uotila, P. & Borsch, T. 2012: A novel phylogeny-based generic classification for Chenopodium sensu lato, and a tribal rearrangement of Chenopodioideae (Chenopodiaceae). – Willdenowia 42(1): 5-24. https://doi.org/10.3372/wi.42.42101
C. Fuentes-Bazán, S., Mansion, G. & Borsch, T. 2012: Towards a species level tree of the globally diverse genus Chenopodium (Chenopodiaceae). – Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62(1): 359-374. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2011.10.006
D. Hernández-Ledesma, P., Berendsohn, W. G., Borsch, T., von Mering, S., Akhani, H., Arias, S., Castañeda-Noa, I., Eggli, U., Eriksson, R., Flores-Olvera, H., Fuentes-Bazán, S., Kadereit, G., Klak, C., Korotkova, N., Nyffeler, R., Ocampo, G. & Ochoterena, H. 2015: A taxonomic backbone for the global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales. – Willdenowia 45(3): 281-383. https://doi.org/10.3372/wi.45.45301
E. Kadereit, G., Borsch, T., Weising, K. & Freitag, H. E. 2003: Phylogeny of Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae and the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 164: 959–986. https://doi.org/10.1086/378649
F. Kadereit, G., Mavrodiev, E. V., Zacharias, E. H. & Sukhorukov, A. P. 2010: Molecular phylogeny of Atripliceae (Chenopodioideae, Chenopodiaceae): Implications for systematics, biogeography, flower and fruit evolution, and the origin of C4 photosynthesis. – American Journal of Botany 97(10): 1664-1687. https://doi.org/10.3732/ajb.1000169
G. Mosyakin, S. L. & Clemants, S. E. 2002: New nomenclatural combinations in Dysphania R.Br. (Chenopodiaceae): Taxa occurring in North America. – Ukrayins'kyi botanichnyi zhurnal 59: 380-385
H. Mosyakin, S. L. & Clemants, S. E. 2008: Further transfers of glandular-pubescent species from Chenopodium subg. Ambrosia to Dysphania (Chenopodiaceae). – Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2: 425–431
I. Scott A. J 1978: A review of the classification of Chenopodium L. and related genera (Chenopodiaceae). – Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 100: 205–220. – Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie
J. Wilson, P.G. 1983: A taxonomic revision of the tribe Chenopodieae (Chenopodiaceae) in Australia. – Nuytsia 4: 135–262
K. Wilson, P.G. 1984: Chenopodiaceae, pp. 81-317. – In: Flora of Australia 4
L. Zhu, G., Mosyakin, S. L. & Clemants, S. E. 2003: Chenopodiaceae, p. 380. – In: Flora of China 5. – Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press