Aizoon paniculatum

Primary tabs

Aizoon paniculatum

Aizoon paniculatum L., Sp. Pl.: 488. 1753 sec. Hartmann 20171 wfo-0000524825
    • 1. Hartmann, H. E. K. 2017 – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer
    • =Aizoon lanceolatum L., Syst. Veg., ed. 13: 392. 1774 syn. sec. Hartmann 20172 wfo-0000524819
    • 2. Hartmann, H. E. K. 2017 – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer
    • =Aizoon stellatum Lam., Encycl. 3(2): 418. 1792 syn. sec. Hartmann 20173 wfo-0000524846
    • 3. Hartmann, H. E. K. 2017 – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer
    • =Aizoon tomentosum Lam., Encycl. 3(2): 418. 1792 syn. sec. Hartmann 20174 wfo-0000524849
    • 4. Hartmann, H. E. K. 2017 – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer
    • =Aizoon rarum N.E.Br. in Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1908: 291. 1908 syn. sec. Hartmann 20175 wfo-0000524832
    • 5. Hartmann, H. E. K. 2017 – In: Hartmann, H. E. K., Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Aizoaceae, ed. 2. – Berlin: Springer
