Matucana formosa

Primary tabs

Matucana formosa

Matucana formosa F.Ritter in Taxon 12: 125. 1963 sec. Hunt 20161 wfo-0001287888
  • Submatucana formosa (F.Ritter) Backeb., Descr. Cact. Nov. 3: 14. 1963 syn. sec. TROPICOS 1988+2 wfo-0001289239
  • Borzicactus formosus (F.Ritter) Donald in Natl. Cact. Succ. J. 26: 10. 1971 syn. sec. Hunt 20161 wfo-0000569402
  • Loxanthocereus formosus (F.Ritter) Buxb. in Krainz, Kakteen 57: CV c. 1974 syn. sec. Kew 20193 wfo-0001289238
  • 1. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author, 2. TROPICOS 1988+: Missouri Botanical Garden –, 3. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens
  • =Matucana formosa var. minor F.Ritter in Taxon 12(3): 125. 1963 syn. sec. Kew 20194 wfo-0001287889
  • Submatucana formosa var. minor (F.Ritter) Backeb., Descr. Cact. Nov. 3: 14. 1963 syn. sec. Kew 20194 wfo-0001434192
  • 4. Kew 2019: Dataset export of the World Checklist of Vascular Plants database, dated 19 December. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens

Distribution (Area)

Peru nativeA


A. Hunt, D.R. 2016: CITES Cactaceae Checklist. 3rd edition. – published by the author