Epiphyllum floribundum

Primary tabs

Epiphyllum floribundum

Placement status: name of verified uncertain application
Epiphyllum floribundum Kimnach in Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 62: 85. 1990 sec. Bauer 20031
    • Holotype: Peru. Lreot, Yamamono, c. 50 miles north of Iquitos, Mathias s.n., cult. Huntington Bot. Gard. (HNT)
  • 1. Bauer, R. 2003: A synopsis of the tribe Hylocereeae F.Buxb. – Cactaceae Systematics Initiatives 17: 6-63


This is now thought to be a hybrid between Disocactus macranthus and some other plant. According to Kimnach (pers. comm. to Ralf Bauer), it was described from material cultivated at the Huntington. The attribution to Mathias and belief that the plant originated in Peru were presumably the result of mixed labels.A


A. Bauer, R. 2003: A synopsis of the tribe Hylocereeae F.Buxb. – Cactaceae Systematics Initiatives 17: 6-63: 53