Macarthuria vertex

Primary tabs

Macarthuria vertex

Macarthuria vertex Lepschi in Nuytsia 11(1): 51. 1996 sec. Lepschi 19961
    • Type: Type: c. 4 miles north-east of Mudginbarry Homestead, Northern Territory, 7 July 1972, M. Lazarides 7565 (holo: CANB 250669 (photo PERTH); iso: BRI AQ 177395; B, DNA, K, L, NSW, US all n.v.).2
  • 1. Lepschi, B. J. 1996: A taxonomic revision of Macarthuria (Molluginaceae) in Western Australia. – Nuytsia 11(1): 37-54, 2. Lepschi, B. J. 1996: A taxonomic revision of Macarthuria (Molluginaceae) in Western Australia. – Nuytsia 11(1): 37-54
  • "Macarthuria apetala" auct., non Harv., err. sec. Lepschi 19963
  • 3. Lepschi, B. J. 1996: A taxonomic revision of Macarthuria (Molluginaceae) in Western Australia. – Nuytsia 11(1): 37-54

Distribution (Area)

Northern Territory presentA
Western Australia presentA

Distribution (General)

Disjunct in northern Australia. In Western Australia recorded from the Kimberley Region at Drysdale River National Park, Kalumburu, King George River, Walcott Inlet and Manning Gorge, north-east of Fitzroy Crossing. In the Northern Territory it occurs from north-north-west of Oenpelli, south to Katherine Gorge National Park and east as far as the Mann and Cadell Rivers.A


Sp. nov. M. ephedroide C.T. White affinis a qua planta plerumque pubescenti, caulibus teretibus et floribus semper petala ferentibus differt.A


Named from the Latin vertex (height, elevation, peak), in reference to the species’ inflorescence structure, where the cymes are inserted at the apices of the uppermost branchlets of the inflorescence. The epithet is used here deliberately as a noun in apposition.A


A. Lepschi, B. J. 1996: A taxonomic revision of Macarthuria (Molluginaceae) in Western Australia. – Nuytsia 11(1): 37-54