Voll & Brade s.n. (RB00537915)

Preserved Specimen
Preferred stable urihttps://plants.jstor.org/stable/viewer/10.5555/al.ap.specimen.rb00537915
Accession numberRB00537915
Type designations
Neotype (designated by Barthlott, W. & Taylor, N. P. 19951) of Lepismium cereoides Backeb. & Voll;

Derivation tree

  • Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Mun. Maricá, Itaipu-Açu, Apr 1936, Voll & Brade s.n.
    • RB00537915
1. Barthlott, W. & Taylor, N. P. 1995: Notes towards a monograph of Rhipsalideae (Cactaceae). – Bradleya 13: 43-79. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n13.1995.a7