Rebutia marsoneri Werderm. in Kakteenkunde 1937(1): 2. 1937

Rebutia marsoneri Werderm. in Kakteenkunde 1937(1): 2. 1937

Rebutia marsoneri Werderm. in Kakteenkunde 1937(1): 2. 1937
is basionym for Rebutia minuscula var. marsoneri (Werderm.) Eb.Scholz in Informationsbrief Zentr. Arbeitsgem. "Echinopseen" 20: 9. 1995
Lectotype (designated by Hjertson, M. 2005: 211): [icon] photograph of a flowering plant in the protologue in Kakteenkunde 1937(1): 1. 1937
Taxon for this name1. Hjertson, M. 2005: – Cactaceae Systematics Initiatives 19