Arrojadoa rhodantha subsp. reflexa P.J.Braun in Kakteen And. Sukk. 35: 38. 1983

Arrojadoa rhodantha subsp. reflexa P.J.Braun in Kakteen And. Sukk. 35: 38. 1983

Arrojadoa rhodantha subsp. reflexa P.J.Braun in Kakteen And. Sukk. 35: 38. 1983
Type: Brazil: Bahia:, C Bahia, W slopes of the Chapada Diamantina, E of the Rio Paramirim, Agua da Seca, in sandy soil in the shade of shrubs and trees, 1000 m, 1979 [detailed locality data deposited together with the holotype for conservation reasons according to the protologue, but no such data were found with the holotype] Braun 68 (B ex KOELN, B, ZSS).
B (ex KOELN) (boxed B 100216255) (holotype): corp, ar, sp, fl. – Labelled “Holotyp” and “Br 68”.
B (boxed s.n.) (isotype): rad, corp, ar, sp.
B (boxed s.n.) (isotype): corp, ar, sp.
B (boxed s.n.) (isotype): rad, corp, ar, sp.
Taxon for this name1. Eggli, U. & Leuenberger, B. E. 2008: Type specimens of Cactaceae names in the Berlin Herbarium (B). – Willdenowia 38: 213-280